HSBC Online Account Portlet

The HSBC Online Account portlet shows the current account balance, account number, routing number, the daily transaction limit, and the remaining daily transaction limit.

Click Account Details in the portlet or Bank Accounts on the navigation pane to:

Account Registry for HSBC Online Account

The account registry displays all the posted transactions for the bank account. It provides a comprehensive view of account activities, cash flow movement and current status of payments similar to account registry of GL. The transactions will include adding money, withdrawing money, payments, auto funding, and reversed payments.

The Account Registry is represented as <GL Name> +<Register Number>.

You can use the quick search and date filters to display specific transactions. The following information is available for a transaction:

You can export the payments into CSV from the Dashboard by clicking the Export CSV button.


Go to Home > Set Preferences > General. In the Formatting subtab, you can change the Date Format and the Time Format.

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