Payment Automation Current Limitations
Only companies located in the United States can use Payment Automation to pay suppliers in the United States.
Multi-Subsidiary support is limited to US operations.
The only supported currency is USD.
You can manage the HSBC Online Account only from the NetSuite platform. Services outside of the NetSuite platform, such as branch services, and deposits of checks and cash, are unauthorized and HSBC is not liable for such transactions.
Bill payments CSV import is not supported.
Editing vendors through Web Services and SuiteScript is not supported.
No more than 400 bills may be selected for payment at a time.
If issued cards are not used, then they are not reflected in the calculation of available balance and outstanding cards. The cards are not displayed in the statements.
You cannot use multiple source accounts to auto-fund the HSBC Online Account at the same time.
Payment Automation is not compatible with sandbox accounts. Do not install the Payment Automation SuiteApp on a sandbox account because the SuiteApp is directly integrated with an HSBC production account.
You cannot enter more than 140 characters in the Memo field on the bill payment record.
Bulk payment processing does not support selection of classification fields such as Department, Class and Location.
Expense reports and customer refunds are not supported.
Auto Place Decimal preference is not supported. Go to Home > Set Preferences > General. In the Formatting subtab, make sure the Auto Place Decimal box is cleared. Enabling this preference may cause unwanted updates to transaction amounts calculated during money transfer requests in payment processing.
Bulk bill payment processing and batch payment approval support up to 5000 bills and are limited to 400 bills per vendor.
Related Topics
- Overview
- Key Features
- Payment Automation Dashboard
- Payment Options
- Payment Batch Cut-Off Times Overview
- Transaction Settlement
- HSBC Processing Fees
- Virtual Card Billing Cycle
- Debit Blocking
Payment Method Optimization Service
- Multi-Subsidiary Support
- Customer Off-boarding
- Uninstalling the Payment Automation SuiteApp
- Terms and Conditions
- Customer Support
- Payment Automation SuiteApp Maintenance Schedule
- Payment Automation SuiteApp Videos
- Frequently Asked Questions about Payment Automation