Adding Apply Sublist to Check Templates

By default, Apply sublist items are not printed on check templates. However, you can customize the check template as follows to include the Apply sublist.

          <#if check.item?has_content || check.expense?has_content || check.apply?has_content>
    <table style="position: absolute;overflow: hidden;left: 36pt;top: 90pt;width: 436pt;">
        <#list check.expense as expense>
                <td align="right">${‌expense.amount}</td>
        <#list check.item as item>
                <td>${‌item.item}, ${‌item.description}</td>
                <td align="right">${‌item.amount}</td>
         <#if check.apply?has_content>
            <#list check.apply as apply>
                    <td>${‌apply.type} ${‌apply.refnum}</td>
                    <td align="right">${‌apply.amount}</td>


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