Printing Subsidiary Logo on Advanced Templates

For OneWorld organizations, instead of having the main company logo print on transactions, you may want to print the relevant subsidiary logo. You can do this by creating an advanced template.


This topic applies only to customers that use subsidiaries.


To print your logo on standard forms, the logo must be no more than 200 pixels wide and 60 pixels high. Image resolution may change how your logo appears on a standard form. If your logo doesn’t display correctly, change the image resolution.

  1. Create an advanced template. Use the <img src="" /> tag in the template to specify the location of the image.

  2. Add the following code to the template:

                  <#if subsidiary.logo?length != 0>
        <img src="${subsidiary.logo@url}" style="float: left; margin: 7px"/>
        <#if companyInformation.logoUrl?length != 0>
            <img src="${companyInformation.logoUrl}" style="float: left; margin: 7px" />
  3. Create a form to apply the template created in Step 1.

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