
Sets the default project folder or ZIP file for SuiteCloud CLI.

When you run this command without the -p option, the default project folder or ZIP file is displayed.

If a default project was specified, you do not need to specify a project when using CLI commands.


project [-p FolderOrZipFile]



Required / Optional



Required when specifying a default project.

Sets the default folder or ZIP file that contains the SuiteCloud project. When specified, you do not need to specify the -p option in most other CLI commands unless you want to reference a different project folder or ZIP file.

-h or -help


Prints the help for this command.


The following command sets a default project based on a specified path:

sdfcli project -p c:/project/

When you run the command, it produces an output that is similar to the following:

          SuiteCloud Development Framework CLI (com.netsuite.ide.core_2020.1.0)
Default project folder set to c:\project. 


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