

SuiteBundler is still supported, but it will not be updated with any new features.

To take advantage of new features for packaging and distributing customizations, you can use the Copy to Account and SuiteCloud Development (SDF) features instead of SuiteBundler.

Copy to Account is an administrator tool that you can use to copy objects between your accounts. The tool can copy one object at a time, including dependencies and data. For more information, see Copy to Account.

SuiteCloud Development Framework is a development framework that you can use to create SuiteApps from an integrated development environment (IDE) on your local computer. For more information, see SuiteCloud Development Framework.

Lists the customization bundles that were created in your NetSuite account. For more information, see Conversion of a Bundle to an Account Customization Project for SDF.


          listbundles [-authid AuthId] 




Required / Optional




References the custom alias you give to a specific account-role combination.

-h or -help


Prints the help for this command.


The following command lists all the bundles in a NetSuite account:

sdfcli listbundles -authid AuthId

When you run the command, it produces an output that is similar to the following:

          SuiteCloud Development Framework CLI (com.netsuite.ide.core_2021.1.0)
123455:My Test Bundle
123456:Managed Bundle to Production 


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