
Previews the deployment steps of a folder or ZIP file that contains the SuiteCloud project.

The SuiteCloud project is compressed into a ZIP file before previewing.


preview [-authid AuthId] [-p FolderOrZipFile] [-applyinstallprefs] [-l LogPathOrFile]



Required / Optional




References the custom alias you give to a specific account-role combination.


Required when a default project has not been specified by the project command or when you want to specify a project other than the default. For more information, see project.

References the folder or ZIP file that contains the SuiteCloud project.


Required when locking.xml, hiding.xml, and overwriting.xml exist in the InstallationPreferences folder of a SuiteApp project.

Indicates whether installation preferences should be applied.

For more information, see Installation Preferences in the SuiteApp of SuiteCloud Project



Specifies the preview log file location as a directory path or a file name.

If you specify a directory, the log file is generated in the specified location by default.

Previews log details are appended to the end of the file.

-h or -help


Prints the help for this command.


The following command previews deployment steps for the SuiteCloud project and stores them in a log file:

sdfcli preview -authid AuthId -p c:/project/ -l d:/path/test.log

When you run the command, it produces an output that is similar to the following:

          SuiteCloud Development Framework CLI (com.netsuite.ide.core_2021.1.0)
Preview "c:\project".
Validate manifest -- Success
Validate deploy file -- Success
Validate configuration -- Success
Validate script file -- Success
Validate objects -- Success
Validate resource files -- Success
Validate account settings -- Success
Deployment preview
Upload file -- ~/FileCabinet/SuiteScripts/UserEventScript.js 


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