Viewing or Editing a Custom Record Type

The following procedure describes how to view or edit a custom record type.

To view or edit a custom record type:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Record Types.

  2. In the Edit column, click the name of the custom record type you want to view or edit.

  3. Record types have the following subtabs for you to further define them:

    • Fields – Create and rearrange the fields for your custom record type. For information, see Adding Fields to Custom Record Types.

    • Subtabs – Create and arrange subtabs for your custom record type. For information, see Adding Subtabs to a Custom Record.


      To save time, create and arrange subtabs for your custom records before defining your custom fields.

    • Sublists – Add search results as sublists on your custom record type. For more information, see Applying Custom Sublists to Custom Record Types.

    • Icons – Select the PNG sprite you want to use to represent this record type in the New Bar, Create New menu, Recent Records menu, Recent Records portlet, and QuickViews. You can choose from built-in icons or create your own custom icon. For more information, see Choosing an Icon for a Custom Record.

    • Numbering – Specify the numbering format for custom records types. For information, see Numbering Custom Record Types.

    • Forms – Customize and select a preferred entry form for your custom record type. For more information, see Adding Custom Forms for a Record.

      To print your custom record, you can choose the standard print template or a custom print template when editing the preferred entry form for your custom record type. For more information, see Updating Custom Record Type Print Templates.

    • Online Forms – Create online entry forms to capture information and create new records from outside your NetSuite account. You can customize the appearance of online forms as well as the information you require from anyone who submits these forms.


      This subtab is available only after the record type has been saved.

    • Permissions – select the roles you want to access custom record entry forms, choose a default form and restrict the forms available here. For information, see Setting Up a Permissions List for a Custom Record Type.


      You must select Use Permission List from the Access Type list for these permissions to take effect. For custom record types that are associated with a custom segment, you cannot edit the permissions of the custom record. The custom record permissions are set on the custom segment definition page.

    • Links – Create links that take you to the list of record entries for this type and choose where to place the links. See Creating Links to Custom Records.

    • Managers – Define specific employees as managers of the current record type, which enables the employee to modify the custom record type. When defined as a manager, the employee is automatically granted custom record view permission. The custom record view permission permits managers to see the list of custom record types but not drill down on them.


      If an employee has a role that includes the Custom Record Type permission, they have edit access to all custom records types. The Managers subtab enables you to grant permission for an employee to the current record type only.

    • Translation – (when Multi-Language feature is enabled) Define translations for the custom record type name to be used when users change the language preference. See Adding Translations for Custom Records.

    • Child Records – If this record type is a parent record, the child records are listed here. See Using Child Records.

    • Parent Records – If this record type is a child record, the parent records are listed here. See Parent-Child Record Relationships.

  4. When you have finished making changes, click Save.

For information about editing existing records, see Viewing and Editing Records.

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