Adding Custom Forms for a Record

The Forms subtab on the Custom Record Type page lets you create custom entry forms for your records. You can create an unlimited number of entry forms for your record type. After you have created custom entry forms, you can select which form is the preferred entry form.


This subtab is not available until the record type has been saved.

By default, at least one form is automatically assigned to the custom record type. This custom record form can be customized as needed.

To create custom forms for the record:

  1. In the Forms subtab, click Customize or Edit next to the entry form you want to customize.

    Selecting Customize enables you create a new custom form based on a standard form. Selecting Edit enables you customize an existing custom form.

  2. Customize the form as needed and then save it.

    For step-by-step instructions on how to customize a form, see Creating Custom Entry and Transaction Forms.

  3. In the Preferred column, check the entry form to set as the preferred form for this record type.


    If you have also set preferred forms on the Permissions subtab, the preferred form set on the Permissions subtab takes precedence over the role set on the Forms subtab.

    For example, you set Custom Form A as the preferred form on the Forms subtab. On the Permissions subtab, you set the default form for the Sales Rep role to Custom Form B. When a sales rep creates a new record, Custom Form B is selected by default.

  4. Click Save.

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