Searching Custom Record Entries

The following procedure describes how to search a list of custom record entries.

To search a list of custom record entries:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Record Types.

  2. In the Search column, click Search for the record type you want to search.

  3. On the Search page, enter or select criteria to filter search results:

    To enter specific criteria:

    • To search for all information of that kind, select Any.

    • To enter the information or part of the information you want to find, select Is, Starts With, or Contains.

    • To enter the information you want to exclude, select Is Not, Does Not Start With, or Does Not Contain.

    • Select a choice or choices from a list or a list of options.

    • To select from a popup list, click List next to an empty list field, or enter the first few letters and press the Tab key.

    • If you selected custom in the date field, enter or select dates in the From and To fields.

    • Select Either, Yes, or No for the option you want.

    Using a combination of these fields is the best way to find what you are looking for.

  4. After entering search criteria, choose one of the following options:

    • To run the search and open a NetSuite page with a list of results, click Submit.

    • To run the search and save results as a .csv file that you can save to disk or open on your desktop, click Export . For more information, see Exporting Search Results.

    • To open a saved search page with no filters defined, where you can define a custom search form to be your default search form for the record type, click Personalize Search. See Defining a Saved Search as a Preferred Search Form.

    • To open a saved search page that includes the filters you defined, click Create Saved Search. See Saved Searches. In a saved search, you can include the translated display name of custom record instances in saved searches. See Saved Searches and Adding Translations for Custom Records.

  5. After you have submitted a search and a search results page has opened, you can do the following:

  6. If the list of results is too large or too small, you can add, remove or expand criteria. To return to the search criteria page, click Return To Criteria.

    • To set more complex search criteria and define search results display options, enable the Use Advanced Search box on the Search page. For information about using advanced search functionality, see Defining an Advanced Search.

    • Saved searches can be run on demand, include all advanced search functionality and provide additional capabilities, including scheduling, email alerts, audience definition, and highlighting of results. See Saved Searches.

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