About Subrecords

When you use SuiteScript to interact with records, you typically interact with many types of fields. You may see fields with a data type of summary. These fields can be populated in only one way: by saving a subrecord to the field. Therefore, if you want to interact with these fields, you must understand how to script with subrecords.

In general, saving subrecords to summary fields is more complex than setting values for other types of fields. However, subrecords are similar to records. So if you know how to work with records, you already know a great deal about working with subrecords. This topic summarizes the similarities and differences.


Subrecords are not compatible with the Advanced Employee Permissions feature. For more information, see Before Enabling the Advanced Employee Permissions Feature.


Subrecords represent a way of storing data in NetSuite.

Like records, subrecords are classified by type. Some common types of subrecord include address, inventory detail, and order schedule.

Each subrecord type has a different purpose and includes different fields. For example:

  • An address subrecord stores an address. It has fields such as city, state, and zip.

  • An order schedule subrecord represents a purchase schedule. It has fields such as startdate and enddate.

  • An inventory detail subrecord holds data, such as serial numbers, that describe inventory items. It contains a sublist that holds this data.

At the same time, subrecords differ from records in some ways. For example, while records can exist independently, a subrecord exists solely to hold information about a specific record. You cannot interact with a subrecord outside the context of a parent record.

In the UI, typically you open a subrecord by clicking an icon on the parent record. The subrecord form opens in a separate window. For example, the following illustration shows, at left, a purchase order with one line in its Items sublist. If you click the icon associated with that item, the system opens a window that represents the inventory detail subrecord.

Inventory detail subrecord displayd from Inventory Detail icon on purchase order items sublist.

To access this same subrecord from a script, first you would load the purchase order. Then you would use the Record.getSublistSubrecord(options) method to open the subrecord. For example:

// Load the purchase order. 
var rec = record.load({
    type: record.Type.PURCHASE_ORDER,
    id: 7,
    isDynamic: false

// Retrieve the subrecord. For sublistId, use the ID of the relevant sublist on
// the purchase order record type. For fieldId, use the ID of the summary field 
// on the sublist that holds the subrecord.
var subrec = rec.getSublistSubrecord({
    sublistId: 'item',
    line: 0,
    fieldId: 'inventorydetail'



For a full script example, see Creating an Inventory Detail Subrecord Example.

Subrecord Scripting Overview

Use the following guidelines when scripting with subrecords:

When Subrecords Are Read-Only

You can work with subrecords in both client and server scripts. However, subrecords are read-only when their parent records are retrieved in either of the following ways:

  • Through the context object provided to a client script, or through currentRecord.get().

  • Through the context object provided to a beforeLoad user event script.

For more details, see Supported Deployments for Subrecord Scripting.

Look Up Details About the Summary Field

Before you can script with a subrecord, you must have some knowledge of the summary field that holds the subrecord. In addition to the summary field’s ID, you must know whether the summary field is situated on the body of the parent record or on one of its sublists. You need both pieces of information to instantiate the subrecord. If the summary field is a sublist field, you also need the relevant sublist ID.

If you are not sure where the field is situated, you can review the record in the UI. You can also check the reference page for the record in the SuiteScript Records Browser. On the reference page for each record type, the Fields table lists all of the record type’s body fields. The tables listed under the heading Sublists show sublist fields. For more details, see Finding Details About Parent Record Types.

Look Up the Subrecord’s Field and Sublist IDs

Like records, all subrecords have required and optional fields. To set values for these fields, you must have the field IDs. To work with a subrecord’s sublist fields, you must also have the sublist ID. You can find both types of information in the SuiteScript Records Browser. Each subrecord type is listed in the browser alongside the available record types. For each subrecord type, a reference page includes the IDs for all of the elements on the subrecord, including a sublist, if one exists, and all of the subrecord’s fields. For more details, see Finding Details About Subrecord Types.

Additionally, if you have the Show Internal IDs preference enabled, you can use the UI to find the IDs for subrecord body fields. To view a field’s ID, click its label. In response, the system displays a popup window that shows the ID. For help enabling this preference, see Setting the Internal ID Preference.

Use Record Methods to Get and Set Values

When you script with a subrecord, many aspects of the scripting process are identical to the process of scripting with records.

For example, when your script instantiates a subrecord, the system returns one of the same objects that it uses to represent records. These objects include record.Record and currentRecord.CurrentRecord.

Additionally, you use many of the same methods to interact with subrecords as you do with records. For example:

A small number of record methods and properties are unavailable to subrecords. These exceptions are noted in the property descriptions in the N/record Module and N/currentRecord Module topics.

Do Not Explicitly Save a Subrecord

After you have created or updated a subrecord, you do not explicitly save it. Rather, after you have set all required fields on the subrecord, you simply save the parent record. When you save the record, the subrecord is also saved.

Creating an Inventory Detail Subrecord Example

The following example shows a typical approach to creating a subrecord.

This example creates a purchase order with one inventory item in its sublist. The example also creates an inventory detail subrecord to store a lot number for the item.

Before using this example in your NetSuite account, do the following:

  • Make sure the Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management feature is enabled, at Setup > Company > Enable Features, on the Items & Inventory subtab.

  • Verify that you have at least one vendor, one location, and one lot-numbered inventory item defined in your system. Make a note of each record’s internal ID.

  • Where noted in the script example comments, replace the hardcoded IDs with valid values from your NetSuite account.

This example uses standard mode, but you could also add the subrecord using dynamic mode. For more details about both approaches, see Using SuiteScript 2.x to Create a Subrecord in a Sublist Field.


For help deploying a user event script, see SuiteScript 2.x Entry Point Script Creation and Deployment.

 * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NScriptType UserEventScript
define(['N/record'], function(record){
    function myAfterSubmit(context){
        // Create the purchase order. 
        var rec = record.create({
            type: record.Type.PURCHASE_ORDER,
            isDynamic: false

        // Set body fields on the purchase order. Replace both of these
        // hardcoded values with valid values from your NetSuite account.
            fieldId: 'entity',
            value: '2'

            fieldId: 'location',
            value: '2'

        // Insert a line in the item sublist.
            sublistId: 'item',
            line: 0

        // Set the required fields on the line. Replace the hardcoded value
        // for the item field with a valid value from your NetSuite account.
            sublistId: 'item',
            fieldId: 'item',
            line: 0,
            value: '7'

            sublistId: 'item',
            fieldId: 'quantity',
            line: 0,
            value: 1

        // Instantiate the subrecord. To use this method, you must 
        // provide the ID of the sublist, the number of the line you want  
        // to interact with, and the ID of the summary field. 

        var subrec = rec.getSublistSubrecord({
            sublistId: 'item',
            line: 0,
            fieldId: 'inventorydetail'

        // Insert a line in the subrecord's inventory assignment sublist.
            sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',
            line: 0

            sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',
            fieldId: 'quantity',
            line: 0,
            value: 1

        // Set the lot number for the item. Although this value is
        // hardcoded, you do not have to change it, because it doesn't 
        // reference a record in your account. For this example, 
        // the value can be any string.
            sublistId: 'inventoryassignment',
            fieldId: 'receiptinventorynumber',
            line: 0,
            value: '01234'

        // Save the record. Note that the subrecord object does
        // not have to be explicitly saved.

        try {
            var recId = rec.save();
                title: 'Record created successfully',
                details: 'Id: ' + recId

        } catch (e) {
                title: e.name,
                details: e.message
    return {
        afterSubmit: myAfterSubmit


For additional script samples, see Scripting Subrecords that Occur on Sublist Lines and Scripting Subrecords that Occur in Body Fields.

Related Topics

General Notices