
Property Description

The sort order of the column.

Use search.createColumn(options) and a value from the search.Sort enum to set the value of this property. If Column.sort is not set, the column is not sorted in any particular order.

After you create a column, you cannot change the sort order of the column. If you use the same column in another search and specify a new sort order, the previous sort order is still used.


search.Sort enum

Supported Script Types

Client and server scripts

For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.


N/search Module




The following code sample shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a complete script example, see N/search Module Script Samples.

          //Add additional code 
var columnObj = search.createColumn({
    name: 'invoice',
    sort: search.Sort.DESC
//Add additional code 


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