Blocking SOAP Web Services Requests

You can use an integration record to block SOAP web services requests from the corresponding application. However, when you use this method, you block only those requests that include data that identifies that integration record. For example, if you block Integration Record A, in essence you are blocking only those requests that include either Integration Record A’s application ID or its token-based authentication details.

An application that is using the 2015.1 or an earlier endpoint is not required to send this data in requests. Requests that omit this data are handled by the Default Web Services Integrations record, which can also be blocked.

To block web services requests:

  1. Do one or both of the following:

    • To block requests that are identified with a particular integration record, open that record for editing. Set the State field to Blocked, and click Save. After you take this action, your NetSuite account will not accept requests that use either the application ID or token-based authentication details specific to this record. Note also that the system will block any RESTlet calls made using the consumer key and secret associated with this record.

    • To block SOAP web services requests from all external applications that omit an application ID or token-based authentication details, open the Default Web Services Integrations record for editing. Set the State field to Blocked, and click Save.

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