Integration Record Overview

The integration record enhances your ability to manage and monitor SOAP web services requests sent to your NetSuite account. This capability is particularly useful if you have more than one application that sends requests. For example, your sales department may use one application to send data about new customers. Your HR department may use a different application to update employee records. Each application can be represented by a separate integration record.

For more details, see the following sections:

Benefits of the Integration Record

When you use integration records to represent all of your external applications, you can do any of the following:

Application IDs

Every integration record has a unique application ID. This ID, a 32-character universally unique identifier, is generated when you create the record. The ID is displayed on the integration record in the Application ID field. However, application ID values are displayed only in the NetSuite account where they were created. So, if an integration record was created by a partner and distributed, that record’s application ID is not visible to the partner’s customers when they view the installed record in their own accounts.

In some cases, your SOAP web services requests are required to include an application ID. However, if your request uses token-based authentication, you must omit an application ID.

Use the following guidelines:

Although application IDs are considered identifiers and not authentication credentials, application IDs should nevertheless be considered confidential.

Endpoint Requirements

You can use integration records in conjunction with any supported endpoint. However, different requirements exist, depending on your endpoint.

2015.1 and Earlier

If you use the 2015.1 endpoint or earlier, be aware of the following:

2015.2 and Later

If you upgrade to the 2015.2 or a later endpoint, all SOAP web services requests must be associated with an integration record other than the default record. That is, each request must include, either explicitly or implicitly, one of the following types of information:


Only one SOAP web services operation does not require authentication, nor any information identifying the application. It is the getDataCenterUrls.

2016.2 and Later

NetSuite 2016.2 includes two new permissions that make it possible for users other than administrators to view and manage integration records.

The List type Integration Applications permission provides view access to the Integrations list page.

The Full level of the Setup type Integration Application permission provides the ability to view, edit, and create integration records. This permission also provides access to the Integration field on the SOAP Web Services Operations search.

For details about SOAP web services searches, Searching for SOAP Web Services Log Information.

Ownership of Integration Records

When you create an integration record, it is automatically available to you in your NetSuite account. Your NetSuite account is considered to be the owner of the integration record, and the record is fully editable by administrators in your account.

You can also install records in your account that were created elsewhere, as follows:


As of 2019.1, when calling the Issue Token endpoint, an Integration record is created and automatically installed in your account. The Require Approval during Auto-Installation of Integration preference affects whether this new record is automatically enabled. You can manage the preference at Setup > Integration > Integration Management > SOAP Web Services Preferences. If the box for the Require Approval during Auto-Installation of Integration preference is not checked (set to false) the State field on the new application is automatically set to Enabled, and all requests are permitted. However, if the box is checked (set to true) the State field on the new integration record is set to Waiting for Approval. In the latter case, you must manually edit the record and set the State to Enabled. Until you set the state to Enabled, all requests sent by that application are blocked.

Records that are installed through either of these methods are not fully editable, because they are considered to be owned by a different NetSuite account. On such records, you can make changes to only two fields: the Note field and the State field. All other fields on these records, including the permitted authentication options and the Description field, can be changed only by an authorized user in the account that owns the records. When the owner makes changes, they are pushed automatically to your account. These changes are not reflected in the system notes that appear in your account.

For more information about creating integration records, see Creating an Integration Record. For more details about distributing integration records, see Distributing Integration Records.

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