Global Search
The NetSuite global search tool enables you to find any type of record from a single keyword query. Global search is often the quickest way to locate data in NetSuite.
The global search box is prominently located near the center of the header. The header is anchored at the top of the page so that it is always accessible. The keyboard shortcut Alt+G moves the cursor into the search field.

Keywords in global search can include letters, numbers, dashes, underscores, and the % wildcard. The colon (:) and the caret (^) indicate a prefix that limits the search to a specific record type. All other characters are considered white space. For details about prefixes, including some examples, see Global Search Prefixes. For more information about the % wildcard, see Tips for Effective Global Searches.
Keywords should be between three and 32 characters long. Global search begins the searching as soon as you type three characters. Characters in excess of 32 are ignored.
By default, global search provides a list of suggested matches as you type. You can select a suggested match or press Enter to open a list page with all matching results.
To open a suggested record:
Click on the record name for view mode.
Click Edit that appears on the right for edit mode.
Click Dash that appears on the right of a customer record to open the customer dashboard.
When you type keywords and press Enter, the keywords are compared to record name and ID field values. The values of the Vendor Name/ID and UPC Code fields in item records are also compared. The default behavior is as follows:
When multiple records match, a page opens with a list of results.
When only a single record matches, the record opens in view mode.
Global search is a powerful tool, and this topic includes only basic information. To learn all the details, see Global Search.
NetSuite offers a variety of tools in addition to global search to help you find the information you need. This includes the ability to save your search for reuse. For information about all of the search tools NetSuite offers, see Search Overview.