
Property Description

The record type. Note the following:

  • When working with an instance of a standard NetSuite record type, set this value by using the record.Type enum.

  • When working with an instance of a custom record type, set this value by using the custom record type’s string ID. For help finding this ID, see Custom Record.

This property is not available to subrecords.

(dynamic and standard modes — see SuiteScript 2.x Standard and Dynamic Modes)


string (read-only)


N/record Module

Sibling Object Members

Record Object Members




The following code sample shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a complete script example, see N/record Module Script Samples.

          // Add additional code
// Start the process of creating an employee record.
var employeeRecord = record.create({
    type: record.Type.EMPLOYEE,
    isDynamic: true                       

// Start the process of creating an instance of a custom record type.
var customRecord = record.create({
    type: 'customrecord_book',
    isDynamic: true                       
// Add additional code 


Supported standard record types are described in the SuiteScript Records Browser. Refer also to SuiteScript Supported Records. For help working with custom record types, see Custom Record.

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General Notices