Setting Up Japan-specific Preferences
In NetSuite, set up your company and personal user preferences specific to doing business in Japan.
Japan-specific Company Preferences
Ensure that your NetSuite role has the appropriate permissions to enable features and set up company preferences specific to Japan.
To set up Japan-specific Company Preferences:
In NetSuite, go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features. On the Company subtab of the Enable Features page, under International, do the following:
Check the Multi-language box if you want to use NetSuite in more than one language.
Check the Multiple Currencies box if you want to use NetSuite for multiple currencies.
Click Save.
Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > States/Provinces/Counties. Set up the regions, prefectures or provinces in Japan. For more information, see Setting Up States, Provinces, and Counties.
Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiaries > New. Enter your company information and do the following:
In the Country/State/Province field, ensure that the following Japanese Prefectures or Provinces are set up:
Hokkaido (Hokkaido)
Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamagata, Fukushima (Tohoku)
Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa (Kanto)
Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Yamanashi, Nagano, Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi (Chubu)
Mie, Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama (Kansai)
Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi (Chugoku)
Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kochi (Shikoku)
Fukuoka, Miyazaki, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Kagoshima, Saga, Oita, Okinawa (Kyushu)
Select a prefecture or province.
In the Currency Locale field, select Japan (Japanese), with the Japanese yen currency symbol.
Click Save.
For more information, see Configuring Company Information.
Japan-specific User Preferences
You can set up your personal user preferences specific to Japan.
To set up Japan-specific User Preferences:
In NetSuite, go to Home > Set Preferences.
On the Set Preference page, go to the General subtab. In the Localization section, set the following Japan-specific preferences:
In the Language field, select a 日本語 (Japanese).
In the Search Sorting field, select Language Specific if you want sorting to follow the alphabetical order of the language you selected.
In the Language for the Help Center field, you can also select 日本語 (Japanese).
If you are using a OneWorld account and defined an accounting context in Setup > Company > Preferences > General Preferences (Administrator), this dropdown list appears. Select a local accounting context if you want to view the chart of accounts structure and names in the language that you selected.
In the Time Zone field, select either Japan Standard Time or JST (日本標準時 Nihon Hyōjunji , or 中央標準時 Chūō Hyōjunji). This is 9 hours ahead of UTC (that is it is UTC+09:00).
In the Calendar System field, select Japanese Imperial Calendar. The imperial date format is required for some government documents and applications used in Japan.
Check the Use Furigana Field box if you want to sort lists of records by the Furigana field. The Furigana field is only available on records in the NetSuite Japan edition when you select Japanese as the Language preference.
Click Save.
You can also set Shift-JIS as the character encoding for CSV exports of lists, reports, and searches. Shift-JIS, the most widely used format in Japan.
On the Set Preference page, go to the Analytics subtab. In the Export section, in the CSV Export Character Encoding field, select Shift_JIS.
For more information about analytics preferences in NetSuite, see Analytics Personal Preferences.
For more information about localizing preferences in NetSuite, see General Personal Preferences.
SuiteCloud Features and SuiteApps
To enable and use Japan-specific features, you must enable some SuiteCloud features and install relevant SuiteApps.
In NetSuite, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. On the SuiteCloud subtab of the Enable Features page, enable the following features:
Custom plug-ins
For more information about SuiteCloud features, see SuiteCloud Features
In addition, the following SuiteApps must be installed to enable Japan-specific features:
Japanese Invoicing Features – Provides invoicing features specifically for Japan.
International Tax Reports – Provides VAT/GST reports and online reporting generated in the local format for ease and accuracy of submission, sales and purchase reports by tax code, and pre-configured tax codes when a new nexus is created. Also provides deductible purchase tax calculation and reports for Japan.
Electronic Bank Payments – Provides Japanese payment formats to enable businesses to pay vendor bills and employee expenses, and receive payments from customers in Japan.
Payment Gateway – Provides integration with VeriTrans credit card payment gateway for Japan.
For more information about SuiteApps, go to SuiteApps.
Important:VeriTrans gateway integration is temporarily unavailable in NetSuite 2019.1 due to an ongoing VeriTrans security upgrade.
To continue processing credit card payments, use other payment processing profiles. For more information, see Payment Gateways.
If your company uses NetSuite across multiple subsidiaries and countries, you should know more about NetSuite OneWorld, see Introduction to NetSuite OneWorld.
Displaying Currency
Japanese yen require the use of integers, without decimal fractions; it is usually displayed as ¥123, but not as ¥123.45. For this reason, the NetSuite user interface generally displays currency amounts in yen using integers.
The decimal precision of a currency is determined by the value selected for Format on the Currency record. For example, the United States (English) format has 2 decimal places and the Japan (Japanese) format has 0 decimal places. Decimal precision cannot be edited in the user interface. If you need a different decimal precision, contact NetSuite Customer Support for assistance.
For more information, see the Help topics Currency Decimal Precision, Currency Management and Setting a Base Currency.