Deleting a State
Delete a state to remove it from the workflow. You can delete a state on a workflow with any release status, if any record in an active workflow instance is not currently in the state. In addition, if you delete a state with transitions assigned to it, the transitions are also deleted.
Setting the release status of a workflow instance to Testing or Not Initiating or changing a workflow definition to Inactive does not cancel actively running workflows. The current state of any running workflow instance cannot be deleted.
For any instance of the workflow, the workflow history displays any state that was deleted after the workflow entered the state. The workflow history displays the state for any currently running or completed workflow. The state appears with (deleted) appended to it. To view the workflow history, go to the record that is associated with the workflow and click the Workflow History subtab under the System Information tab.
The following screenshot shows a workflow history with a deleted state:

To delete a state:
If you have not already done so, open the workflow that contains the state that you want to edit.
In the diagrammer, select the state that you want to delete.
Click the Delete icon on the State tab of the context panel. Any incoming or outgoing transitions are also deleted.
Note:You can also open the Workflow State window, and then from the Actions menu, select Delete.
Click Yes in the popup that appears.