Attaching a Billing Schedule to an Item

After you create a billing schedule, you may want to attach it to an item record. In general, when you attach a billing schedule to an item record, the schedule is the default chosen when that item is added to a sales order.

For more information about attaching billing schedules to item records, see Applying Billing Schedules.


You can also attach billing schedules to project records. See Attaching a Billing Schedule to a Project.

The following example shows how to attach a billing schedule to an inventory item.



   // Identify the inventory item to which you
   // want to attach the billing schedule.

   InventoryItem myItem = new InventoryItem();

   // Identify the billing schedule you want to use.

   RecordRef myBillingSchedule = new RecordRef();

   // Execute the update operation.




SOAP Request

   <update xmlns="">
      <record xsi:type="ns1:InventoryItem" internalId="552" xmlns:ns1="">
         <ns1:billingSchedule xsi:type="ns2:RecordRef" internalId="1" xmlns:ns2=""/>


SOAP Response

   <updateResponse xmlns="">
         <platformCore:status isSuccess="true" xmlns:platformCore=""/>
         <baseRef xsi:type="platformCore:RecordRef" type="inventoryItem" internalId="552" xmlns:platformCore=""/>


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