Applying Billing Schedules

The Advanced Billing feature enables you to create billing schedules that you apply to sales orders or to line items on sales orders. When you apply a billing schedule to an order, the order is billed in according to that schedule.


Unless you use the Apply to Subtotal option, billing schedules are applied to each line individually, not to the subtotal.

Assigning a Default Billing Schedule to an Item

You can assign a billing schedule on an item record. Then, when the item is chosen on sales transactions, the billing schedule is applied by default. Default billing schedules can be changed on individual transactions.


The billing schedule shows on line items only when forms are customized to show schedules on lines. Read Assigning a Billing Schedule to a Line Item.

You can assign billing schedules to the sale item records and resale item records listed below:

To assign a billing schedule to a new item record:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New > New.

  2. Click the item type you want to create.

  3. On the item record, enter information in the necessary fields.

  4. On the Sales / Pricing subtab under Sales in the Billing Schedule field, select the billing schedule you want to associate with this item.

  5. Click Save.

You can apply a billing schedule to an existing item by going to List > Accounting > Items and clicking Edit next to the item you want to change.

Assigning a Billing Schedule to a Transaction

You can apply a billing schedule to an entire transaction.

To apply a billing schedule to a new sales order:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders.

  2. In the Start Date field, enter the date the first invoice is to be created.

    If this field is left blank, the first billing date is the date of the sales order.

  3. Choose a customer in the Customer field.

  4. On the Billing subtab, in the Billing Schedule field, choose a billing schedule to apply to all items on this order.

    To enter a new billing schedule, click New.

  5. Fill in other fields as necessary.

  6. Click Save.

You can also apply a billing schedule to an existing sales order by going to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders > List and clicking Edit next to the sales order you want to change.

Assigning a Billing Schedule to an Invoice Subtotal

You can assign a billing schedule to an invoice subtotal. To create an invoice subtotal fixed amount billing schedule, the sales order Type must be set to Standard and the Recurrence Frequency field must be set to Custom. When you check the Apply to Subtotal box, enter a schedule of fixed currency amounts billed against the pre-tax, pre-discount invoice total.

For example, if you have an invoice that has three transactions with a subtotal of $300. Transaction 1 totals $50, transaction 2 totals $100, and transaction 3 totals $150 for a subtotal of $300. The customer would like to pay the invoice in three installments of $100; therefore, define three $100 payments, totaling $300.

To apply a billing schedule to a transaction subtotal:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales Order > Enter Sales Order.

  2. In the Start Date field, enter the date the first invoice is to be created.

    If this field is left blank, the first billing date is the date of the sales order.

  3. Choose a customer in the Customer field.

  4. On the Billing subtab, in the Billing Schedule field, choose a billing schedule created to apply to a transaction subtotal..

    To enter a new billing schedule, click New. To create and apply a subtotal billing schedule, the Type field must be set to Standard, the Recurrence Frequency field must be set to Custom, and you must check the Apply to Subtotal box.

  5. Fill in other fields as necessary.

  6. Click Save.

Assigning a Billing Schedule to a Line Item

You can apply a billing schedule to an individual line item on a transaction. To do this, you must first customize the following transaction forms to show line item billing schedules:

To customize your transaction forms for line-item billing schedules:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

  2. On the Custom Transaction Forms page, click Customize next to the transaction form you want to change.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for this form. For example, you might name it Billing Schedule Sales Order.

    This name appears in the Custom Form field on transactions.

  4. Click the Sublist Fields subtab.

  5. In the Show column, check the box next to Billing Schedule to show the billing schedule column when you view the transaction.

  6. Click the Printing Fields subtab.

  7. Click the Columns subtab under Printing Fields.

  8. Check the Print/Email box next to Billing Schedule to show the billing schedule column when you print or email the transaction.

  9. Click Save.

Now, when you choose this custom form in the Custom Form field on transactions, you can choose a billing schedule for each line item.

To apply a billing schedule to a sales order line item:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders.

  2. In the Custom Form field, select the sales order form you customized to show line-item billing schedules.

  3. In the Start Date field, enter the date for the first invoice to be created.

    If this field is left blank, the first billing date is the date of the sales order.

  4. Choose a customer in the Customer field.

  5. On the Items subtab, in the Items column, choose an item.

    If the item you choose has a billing schedule assigned on the item record, that billing schedule autofills in the Bill. Sched. column. You can choose another billing schedule for that item.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Fill in other fields on the form as necessary.

  8. Click Save.

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