Billing Schedule Types

NetSuite includes five types of billing schedules. This topic summarizes some of the differences among the types.

Types and Their Required Features

The types available in your account are determined by the features you have enabled.


Features Required for this Type


  • Advanced Billing


  • Advanced Billing

  • Project Management

  • Charge-Based Billing

Fixed bid interval

  • Advanced Billing

  • Project Management

Fixed bid milestone

Time and materials

Finding the Record in the User Interface

Before you begin work on your integration, it might be useful to view the billing schedule record in the user interface. The path to the record’s entry form varies depending on the type of billing schedule you want to view. The layout and behavior of the entry form also vary depending on the type:

Fixed Bid Milestone

To display the entry form for a fixed bid milestone schedule, open a project record. Navigate to Financial subtab. Set the Billing Type dropdown list to Fixed Bid Milestone, and click the Plus icon button displayed next to the Billing Schedule field.

All Other Types

To see the entry forms used to create all other types of billing schedules, navigate to Lists > Accounting > Billing Schedules > New. You can choose among the different types using the Type list. If the Type list is not available, that means only one type of schedule is available in your account. To make more types available, enable more features. (For details, see Types and Their Required Features.)

More Information

For details on how to work with billing schedule records in the user interface, see the following topics:

Related Topics

General Notices