Create a Recommendation Scenario

Recommendation scenarios are a set of configuration guidelines that the machine learning algorithm follows while calculating which items to recommend.


It is not necessary to create recommendation scenarios to use intelligent item recommendations. The default recommendation scenarios are suitable for most businesses.

To create a recommendation scenario:

  1. Go to Commerce > Marketing > Intelligent Recommendations > Recommendation Scenarios.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the scenario.

    Optionally, you can get writing help for the Description field from our generative AI service, NetSuite Text Enhance. Click the Enhance Text button to use the available options. For more information about using this capability, see Text Enhance.

  4. Select an option from the Recommendations Based On list. For more information about these options, see Intelligent Recommendations.

    For more information about using recommendation scenarios on SuiteCommerce websites, see Intelligent Item Recommendations for Websites.

  5. Though you can create multiple recommendation scenarios based on each of the options in Recommendations Based On, sales orders, estimates, and opportunity records can only have five scenarios associated with them, one based on each of the following:

    • Customer purchase history

    • Order or cart items

    • Buy again

    • Customers who bought this also bought

    • Alternative items

    For example, you could create two recommendation scenarios based on customer purchase history, one with a blocklist attached and one without. You could use both recommendation scenarios on your website but you could only use one for sales orders, estimates, and opportunity records.

    To use a recommendation scenario for sales orders, estimates, and opportunity records, check Select as Default Scenario for Sales Transactions. When you save the scenario, it will automatically replace the recommendation scenario currently in use for sales orders, estimate forms, and opportunity records.

  6. From the Recommendation Blocklists list on the Advanced Settings tab, select the blocklist (if any) applicable to the recommendation scenario.

    For more information, see Blocklists.

  7. Set the Diversity, Popularity, and Freshness sliders to the required level:

    • Diversity – to increase the chance of recommending items that are different from each other, choose a higher Diversity level.

    • Freshness – to increase the chance of recommending items recently added to the catalog, choose a higher Freshness level.

    • Novelty – to increase the chance of recommending items that are rarely seen by a customer, choose a higher Novelty level.

  8. You can see a live preview of recommendations and blocked items when you create the recommendation scenario and at any time afterwards. For more information, see View Recommendations Live Preview.

  9. Click Save.

    If you selected Select as Default Scenario for Sales Transactions, you are asked to confirm that you want the scenario you have created to automatically replace the scenario currently in use for sales orders, estimates, and opportunity records. Click OK to confirm or Cancel to go back to the recommendation scenario form.


    Sales orders and estimates must have a recommendation scenario associated with them for each option listed in Recommendations Based On. If you want to save the new scenario you have created but you don’t want it to be the default scenario for sales orders and estimates, clear the Select as Default Scenario for Sales Transactions, and then save again. If, in the future, you want to set the recommendation scenario you created as default for sales orders and estimates, you can edit the recommendation scenario record, check the Select as Default Scenario for Sales Transactions and save.

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