Create a Blocklist

A blocklist is a list of items or item collections that should not be included in intelligent item recommendations.

To create a blocklist:

  1. Go to Commerce > Marketing > Intelligent Recommendations > Recommendation Blocklists.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter the Name of the blocklist.

  4. Enter a description of the blocklist.

    Optionally, you can get writing help for the Description field from our generative AI service, NetSuite Text Enhance. Click the Enhance Text button to use the available options. For more information about using this capability, see Text Enhance.

  5. If you know the recommendation scenario with which you want to link this blocklist, select it from the Recommendation Scenarios list. You can select one or more scenarios from the list.

  6. If you want to prevent one or more items from being recommended in all circumstances, select the item or item collection on the Always Block tab.

    For example, if you are having supply issues for a particular item, you can prevent it from being recommended by adding it to a block always list.

  7. If you want to prevent one or more items from being recommended only for a specific context item or item collection, select the item or item collection on the Block For Item tab, and then select the item or item collection that should not be displayed in the Blocked Item or Blocked Item Collection field.

    For example, you may not want an older model of equipment to be recommended when the sales order or estimate already contains a newer model, or when the website shopper is looking at a newer model. You can choose the newer model as the context item and the older model as the blocked item.

    For more information, see Always Block vs. Block for Item.

  8. After you have added all the items and item collections you want to block to the blocklist, click Save.

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