Web Store Items
Commerce web stores and SuiteCommerce InStore provide a comprehensive set of tools you can use to manage items on your site. Clear item descriptions, high-quality item images, and Commerce Categories (for sites with a large number of items) all contribute to the success of your website.
With NetSuite, you can:
Configure items
Group items in different ways
Add product images
Set up Commerce Categories
Create item collections
Set up personalized catalog views for different customer segments
Add features to product pages
Display item badges
Set up side-by-side product comparison
Enable the Infinite Scroll feature
The following item types are supported but not visible in Commerce web stores:
See the Supply Chain Management topic, Item Types, for more information about tracking and managing item types.
The use of other item types in your Commerce web store will require customization. Be aware that these customizations can affect different areas of your web store and should only be made by someone with developer experience.
See the following topics for more information about web store items:

Set up item records and inventory for your website and prepare items for search engine optimization (SEO). Set up personalized catalog views that provide different customers with access to different items.

Group items using the method most suited to your purpose. For example, sales, web store navigation, etc. Group items into general purpose collections that can be used to create personalized catalog views for different customer segments. Create a hierarchical structure of product categories, subcategories, and products to help your users to locate products in your web store.

Add product image files to your website. Product images significantly enhance the effectiveness of your Product Details Pages (PDPs) and other site pages.

Add elements to your web store's PDPs and Product Listings Pages. You can set up Inventory Display, Product Lead Time, Stock Notifications, Item Badges, Infinite Scroll, and Grid Order for your products.