Website Setup

The following procedures define prerequisite settings for using item images. Complete each step before you upload the item image files.


You only need to define these settings one time. Follow the steps to verify they are completed.

Set the Image Domain and Image Folder

Item image files are stored in the File Cabinet at Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > images. Images in this folder are mapped to a corresponding item record. The folder should only contain item images. Do not create subfolders within the images folder because images in a subfolder do not map to item records.


Other images, such as banners and logos, are stored elsewhere. See SMT Image Content Type for more details.

To set the image domain and image folder:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.

  2. Click Edit next to your website name.

  3. Click the Images subtab.

  4. In the Image Domain field, select the domain you want to use.

  5. In the Image Folder field, select the path to the images folder (Web Site Hosting Files : Live Hosting Files : images).

  6. Click Save.

Define the File Name Format

The file name format determines the structure of image file names. The file name is made up of components used to associate the file with its corresponding item record.

For more information about the parameters for renaming image files, see Rename Image Files with the Item Identifier.


  • Item Identifier – the file name component that matches with a field on the item record. It can be the Display Name/Code, UPC Code, URL Component, Item Name/Number, or a custom field. Images associated with a given record must begin with the item identifier.

    You can select the item identifier from the dropdown menu or create a custom field to use as the item identifier. Custom fields must be stored to be used as an item identifier.

  • Item ID Delimiter – the component used to parse the item identifier from the other file name components.

    • It can be any combination of up to 5 supported characters. Supported characters: $ - _ . + ! * ’ ( ) ,

    • The default value is an _ (underscore).

  • Structure Delimiter – the component used to parse subsequent elements of the file name structure.

    • It can be any combination of up to 5 supported characters. Supported characters: $ - _ . + ! * ’ ( ) ,

    • It can be the same value as the Item ID Delimiter.

    • The default value is a – (hyphen).

To define the file name format:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.

  2. Click Edit next to your website name.

  3. Click the Images subtab.

  4. Select an option on the Item Identifier dropdown list.

  5. Enter a character in the Item ID Delimiter field.

  6. Enter a character in the Structure Delimiter field.

  7. Click Save.

Add Item Image Field to Field Sets

The item image field must be included in the details field set and search field set to expose item images to your website. Without this step, images associated with item records fail to display in search results or the product details page. See Define Field Sets for more information about field sets.

To add field to field sets:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.

  2. Click Edit next to your website name.

  3. Go to the Field Sets subtab.

  4. Click on the details field set and edit the Fields Included in Field Set column.

  5. In the Field Set popup window, add a new row. Select Item Images (Detail) from the dropdown list.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Click Submit.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Repeat Steps 4 through 8 for the search field set.

  10. Click Save.

(Optional) Configure Multi-Image Options

Multi-image options let you connect an image with a specific item matrix option and show that image when users select the option. For example, an item with different color options can use the color choice to trigger an image change. When a user selects blue, they will see the blue image. See the next step, Rename Image Files with the Item Identifier, for an explanation of how to rename your files to use this capability.

The multi-image options feature only works with matrix items. See Matrix Items for instructions on how to set up matrix items. You can set up multi-image for each transaction item option you created during Setting Up Custom Transaction Item Options.

To configure multi-image options:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. Select the website and domain you want to configure.

  3. Go to the Shopping Catalog subtab and Multi-Image Option sublist.

  4. In the Multi-Image Option field, enter the ID of the custom transaction item option to trigger the multi-image option. You can add one or more options to make them available on your website.


    You can find the ID on the record for the custom transaction item option. See step 2 of Setting Up Custom Transaction Item Options for more details.

  5. Click Add after entering each ID.

  6. Click Save.

After you configure multi-image options, they are ready for use. To use multi-image, connect images to their corresponding options by adding the option value to the file name. See Rename Image Files with the Item Identifier for more details.

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