Sales Channel

A sales channel is a category of sales transaction that you can differentiate by customer type and distribution channel, such as web-shop or retail outlet.

For help working with this record in the UI, see Defining a Sales Channel Allocation.

The internal ID for this record is SalesChannel

See the SuiteScript Records Browser for all internal IDs associated with this record.


For information about using the SuiteScript Records Browser, see Working with the SuiteScript Records Browser in the NetSuite Help Center.

For information about scripting with this record in SuiteScript, see the following help topics:


The Sales Channel Allocation feature must be enabled.

Supported Script Types

The sales channel record is scriptable in both client and server SuiteScript.

Supported Functions

The sales channel record is partially scriptable. It can be created, read, updated, deleted, copied, and searched using SuiteScript. It cannot be transformed.

Usage Notes

The Description field is not exposed. The Supply Allocation and Fulfillment sublists are read-only.

          Create record. 


Related Topics

General Notices