Configuring Pages and Actions for Custom Mobile Processes

For custom mobile processes, you can configure mobile actions and associate them with events on a page, like an on load action, or on a page element, like an on click action for a button.

You can also configure mobile actions for specific page elements preconfigured in standard mobile processes. Refer to the tables in the Configuring Mobile Page Elements.

Mobile Pages, Actions, and Configurations

Action Type and Page



Mobile page configurations


Page elements and actions to create or update a custom mobile page



Parent Process


On Load Action

After Load Action


Is Pop Up

On Popup Close Action

Mobila action configurations per type

Action Sequence

Contains the Action Sequence subtab on which you can configure the following action types as sub-actions that execute in sequence: Print, Forward Form, Restlet, and Submit Form.

For mobile printing, you can configure the reports or documents that you want to print in sequence.

For mobile sub-action:

Sub-action Sequence #

Sub-action Of

Sequence Condition

Sequence Action

Client Function

Runs a custom client script.

Client File Path

Client Function Name

Forward Form

Navigates to a mobile page after passing data from fields on the current page to those in the associated state.

You can run client- and server-side validations before passing data to the state fields.

HTTP Method

Validation Script ID

Validation Deployment ID

Client File Path

Client Function Name

Convert Response To Object

Before Action RESTlet

After Action RESTlet

Log Out

Logs out of the current session and displays the mobile login page.


Page Navigation

Navigates to a mobile page.

You have the option to retain the state even if the target page is already visited.

Retain State


Displays the Print page, generates labels or documents, and evaluates any printing rules for mobile printing.

You can configure a RESTlet that runs before NetSuite executes the Print action.

Before Print Action

Get Print File Path

Process Navigation

Navigates to a page of either a standard or custom mobile process.

Target Custom Process

Target Standard Process


Calls a restlet using either a Get or Post method.

HTTP Method

Script ID

Deployment ID

Convert Response To Object

Saved Search

Runs a saved search.

Saved Search

Show Message




Obtains data from a state field.

State Path

Submit Form

Calls a restlet to obtain data from the mobile app’s state and save the data in NetSuite.

You can call additional restlets before or after the main action is executed.

Unlike the Page Navigation action type, you can retain the state only if the target page is not yet visited.

HTTP Method

Script ID

Deployment ID

Client File Path

Client Function Name

Convert Response To Object

Retain State

Before Action RESTlet

After Action RESTlet

URL Navigation

Navigates to a specified URL, usually for a menu option or link.

Target URL

The following table shows the values for the possible configurations that you can set up on a mobile action.




After Action RESTlet

Restlet action to call after executing a main action.

<Restlet action name>

Example: Submit Additional Fields

Before Action RESTlet

Restlet action to call before executing a main action.

<Restlet action name>

Example: Validate Data

Before Print Action

Restlet action to call before executing the main Print action.

<Restlet action name>

Example: poReceiving_quantityScan_beforePrintActn

Client File Path

File cabinet path for the client script.

<file path>

Example: SuiteApps/

Client Function Name

Name of the function to call from the client script, usually for validation.

<function name>

Example: doValidation

Convert Response to Object

If you check this box, NetSuite converts the restlets’ responses into objects.

Possible values:

  • true - if checked

  • false – if cleared

Deployment ID

Deployment ID for a RESTlet script.

<deployment ID>

Example: customdeploy_validate_employee_restlet

Get Print File Path

Restlet action to call to determine the path of a generated label or document associated with a print report, which is configured on the Print action.

<Restlet action name>

Example: wms_invokePrint_Action

HTTP Method

The type of network request that calls the RESTlet configured in the action.

Standard methods:

  • Get

  • Post


Translatable text to display in a field or popup window.

You can configure a static text (constant) or a dynamic one that can be obtained from a record or state field. You can add HTML tags within the message.

<name of the message record>

Example: <b>Under Construction</b>

For more information about setting up the message record, see Displaying Messages in Dynamic Text Elements.

On Popup Close Action

The action to call when you close a popup window, which may be one of the following action types: Forward Form, Submit Form, or Action Sequence.

<Action name>

Retain State

If you check this box, NetSuite does not clear the state data.

From the table of action types, see the description for the Page Navigation and Submit Form action types.

Possible values:

  • true – if checked

  • false – if cleared

Script ID

Script ID for the RESTlet you want to call, usually for a mobile page submission.

<script ID>

Example: customscript_create_employee_restlet

Sequence Action

The mobile action that the sub-action executes. The action must belong to one of the following action types: Print, Restlet, Forward Form, or Submit Form.

<action name>

Example: lineLevelItemInstr_autoPackCarton

Sequence Condition

The expression that serves as the condition whether to execute this sub-action.

An empty value in this field automatically evaluates to true. When the expression evaluates to true, the sub-action is executed.

<expression that evaluates to true or false>

Example 1: - 1<2 - An empty value in this field automatically evaluates to true. When the expression evaluates to true, the sub-action is executed.

Example 2: Using a state path to the data you want to evaluate: {{state::dataRecord:auxParams:warehouse}} === ‘Warehouse 1' && {{feature::uom}} === 'T'

State Path

Path to the state field from which you want to fetch data for the State action.

<state path>

Example: dataRecord:auxParams:item1:received

Sub-action Of

The main action, of Action Sequence type, that executes the sub-action.

<Action Sequence action name>

Example: salesOrder_lineLevelPackingInstr

Sub-action Sequence #

The number that indicates the sub-action’s position in the action sequence.


Target Custom Process

The custom mobile process you want to navigate to.

<name of custom mobile process>

Example: Custom PO Receiving Process

Target Standard Process

The standard mobile process you want to navigate to.

<name of standard mobile process>

Example: poReceiving_quantityScan

Validation Deployment ID

Deployment ID for a validation RESTlet script.

<deployment ID>

Example: customdeploy_validate_employee_restlet

Validation Script ID

Script ID for a validation RESTlet.

<script ID>

Example: customscript_validate_employee_restlet

To configure pages or actions for custom mobile processes:

  1. Using the Administrator role, go to Setup > Custom > Mobile – Applications.

  2. Access the mobile page by doing the following:

    1. On the Mobile – Applications, page, click View next to the custom process you want to configure.

    2. On the Mobile – Process List, click View next to the custom mobile process.

    3. On the Pages subtab, click View next to the page that uses the action.

  3. On the Mobile - Page page, do any of the following:

    • To edit a page, click Edit.

    • To configure a page action, in the action field, click the action link.

      For more information, see Customizing Mobile Pages.

    • To configure a page element action, on the Page Elements subtab, click the element associated with the action you want to configure. On the Mobile – Page Element page, in the action field, click the action link.

    • To copy a standard mobile action, see Cloning Standard Mobile Actions.

  4. On the Mobile - Action page, click Edit.

  5. Set the fields for the page or page element action:

    For the list of configuration options, refer to the tables in the Mobile Pages, Actions, and Configurations section of this topic.

    For specific customizations, see the following topics:

    For more information about page element actions for navigation, action sequence, and data submission, see Customizing Mobile Actions.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Update the mobile app with your customizations by doing the following:

    1. Go to Setup > Custom > Mobile – Applications.

    2. On the Mobile – Applications List, click the Update App link next to the mobile application.

    To view the status of your update, click the link on the processing message at the top of the page. Wait for the confirmation message to appear before you start accessing your custom mobile page.

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