Customizing Mobile Pages

Within your custom mobile process, you can customize the pages cloned from a standard process or add your own pages. You can change the default settings of existing pages or set them up for new pages. After you add or modify a page, you can customize the page elements and information screen elements associated with it.

The Mobile -Page page provides access to page elements and information screen elements associated with it. You can view, add, or change these elements as part of your mobile customization.

To customize mobile pages:

  1. Access your custom mobile process:

    1. Using the Administrator role, go to Setup > Custom > Mobile -Applications.

    2. On the Mobile -Applications List page, click View next to the mobile app.

    3. On the Mobile -Process List page, click View next to the custom mobile process that contains the page.

  2. On the Mobile -Process page, on the Pages subtab, do one of the following:

    • To add a new page, click New Mobile -Page.

    • To modify an existing mobile page, click Edit next to the page name.

    The Mobile -Page page appears.

  3. In the following fields, you can change or enter the settings for your page:

    • Name – Enter a unique name for the mobile page.

    • Title – Enter the title that appears on a mobile device.

    • Application – For new pages, select the mobile app to which you want to associate this process.


      Make sure you select the same mobile app for a process and its pages.

      You should not change the mobile app associated with existing pages. It might break the process flows that use the page and cause errors.

  4. In the Type field, select one of the following types of mobile pages:

    • Process – A page that belongs to a mobile process. You can access this page within the mobile process only.

      To create a process page type, in the Parent Process field, select the mobile process to which you want to associate the page.

      When you define your custom process settings, you can set this page as the first page for the process. For instructions, see Customizing Mobile Processes.

    • Independent – A page that you do not assign to a mobile process, such as a menu page. You can access this page through other independent pages or within a mobile process.

      Independent pages are not duplicated when you clone a mobile process.

  5. In the On Load Action or After Load Action field, to set up mobile actions for page loads, see Customizing Mobile Actions.

  6. If you want to set up a mobile page as a popup window, see Customizing Mobile Popup Windows.

  7. On the Page Elements subtab, you can add or modify page elements like buttons, text box fields, and tables.

    For more information, see Customizing Mobile Page Elements.

    For existing page elements, you can set up mobile actions for page navigation, data validation, and submission.

  8. On the Information Screen Elements subtab, you can add or modify elements that appear on information screens.

    For more information, see Customizing Information Screen Elements.

  9. Click Save.

    To add or edit other pages, repeat steps 2 to 6.

  10. After you complete all your customizations, to apply your updates to the mobile app, see Compiling Mobile Customizations.

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