Adding Action Buttons Through Mobile Configuration
Within standard mobile processes, you can add buttons on mobile pages that perform additional actions according to your app requirements. When you configure a button, specify its label, position, and the mobile action that performs a task when you click it.
Note the following guidelines and requirements for adding buttons:
You can configure Action Button element types only.
Buttons that you configure can be displayed on the body or footer of a mobile page. You cannot display them on popup windows associated with the mobile page.
If you want to provide your own button image, upload it into your file cabinet. Buttons that use custom images can be displayed only on the body of the page.
You can assign a standard mobile action or create a custom one for your button. You can also clone a standard action and configure your copy according to your button requirements.
Common button actions that you can configure include printing, navigation, message display, and table data display.
To add Action Buttons through Mobile Configuration:
Access the standard mobile page on which you want to add a button.
For instructions, see Configuring Mobile Page Elements.
On the Mobile Configuration page, you can do the following:
If you want to clone a standard action that you want to set up for new button, see Cloning Standard Mobile Actions.
When you set up the click action for your button, you can configure your copy of the action according to your button requirements.
To add your button, click the Additional Page Elements subtab. Beside the Configuration Page field, you can click the new icon. If you have existing custom elements configured within the same process, you can click the open icon.
On the Mobile – Page page, on the Page Elements subtab, click New Mobile – Page Element.
On this subtab, you can view other custom page elements within the standard mobile process.
On the Mobile – Page Element page, do the following:
In the Type field, select Action Button.
Set values in the basic button fields, like the Name and Label.
To use your own button image, in the Icon Path field, enter the path to the file cabinet folder that contains it.
In the On Click Action field, click the plus icon.
For more information about button fields, see Customizing Mobile Page Elements. For Print buttons, see Adding a Print Button to Custom Mobile Pages.
On the Mobile – Action page, do the following based on the type of mobile action you want to assign to the button:
In the Type field, select the type of mobile action you want to assign to the button.
Set the appropriate action fields based on the type of mobile action.
For actions that use RESTlets or saved searches, you can set up the one you want to run during a button click.
(Optional) On the Input Parameters or Output Parameters subtabs, you can set up parameters for your mobile action.
For detailed instructions, see the following topics:
If you want to set up a Print action, with automatic or required printing modes, see Setting Up Print Button Actions.
(Optional) On the Mobile – Page Element page, you can set the Autoclick Condition field to run your click action automatically.
For instructions, see Setting Up Autoclick for Buttons.
After you complete all your configurations, on the Mobile Configuration page, update the app by clicking Save and Update.