Setting Up Automatic or Required Printing

You can assign the following printing modes to each label or document you want to print: Automatic or Required. You can also inactivate the label or document for printing on the app. These settings are also available in standard mobile processes through configuration. For more information, see Configuring Mobile Page Elements.

To enable these settings for custom processes, set up the report type of the label or document on the Print button of a mobile page. Your settings apply to the default template of the report type, as well as any print templates that you configure in a printing rule. Also, your settings do not apply to Print buttons on other mobile pages, which may use the same report type. For more information about report types, see Setting Up Printing Settings on Print Reports.

The following table shows the standard mobile pages that contain the Print button by default:

Mobile Process

Mobile Page

Page Element (print button)

For Warehouse Management:


Enter Serial Number


poReceiving_enterSerial_printBtn -Action Button

Enter Quantity


poReceiving_enterLotQuantity_printBtn -Action Button

Enter Quantity


poReceiving_quantityScan_printBtn -Action Button


Enter Quantity


inbShipmentRec_quantityScan_printBtn -Action Button

Enter Serial Number


inbShipmentRec_serialScan_printBtn -Action Button


Enter Quantity


woAssemblyenterQuantity_printBtn -Action Button


Enter Carton


enterCarton_Button - Action Button


Enter Carton


transferOrder_enterCarton_Button - Action Button


Enter Carton (page_multiOrderPicking_enterContainer)

multiOrderPicking_enterContainer_enterContainer - Action Button

For Ship Central:


Pack Carton


packCarton_printlabel – Action Button

Packing Summary


packedSalesOrderSummary_cartonListPrintBtn - Action Button

Add Pallet


addPallet_printBtn - Action Button

Packed Sales Order Pallet Summary


packedSalesOrderPalletSummary_palletListPrintBtn - Action Button


Pack Carton


packCarton_TOPrintlabel - Action Button

Packing Summary


packedTransferOrderSummary_cartonListPrintBtn - Action Button

Add Pallet


addPallet_TOPrintBtn - Action Button

Packed Transfer Order Pallet Summary


packedTransferOrderPalletSummary_palletListPrintBtn - Action Button


Confirm Shipping Address


adressConfirmPopup_SO_confirmAddressAndPrint-Action Button

adressConfirmPopup_confirmAddressAndPrintShip-Action Button


Confirm Shipping Address


adressConfirmPopup_TO_confirmAddressAndPrint-Action Button

TOadressConfirmPopup_confirmAddressAndPrintShip-Action Button

If you set up your print template on a custom report type, you can add it to a custom mobile process first before you enable the printing mode settings. For instructions, see Setting Up Print Button Actions.

To set up report types on a mobile process:

  1. Using the Administrator role, go to Setup > Custom > Mobile - Applications.

  2. On the Mobile - Applications List, click View next to the mobile application.

  3. For standard mobile processes, access the Print button settings by doing one of the following:

    1. On the Mobile - Process List, click Configure next to the standard mobile process.

    2. On the Mobile Configuration page, in the Page field, select the mobile page that displays the Print button you want to update.


      If the mobile page does not contain a Print button by default, you can add it to a custom mobile process, instead, through Mobile Customization. Step 4 describes the procedures to enable printing settings for custom mobile processes. For more information, see Adding a Print Button to Custom Mobile Pages.

    3. On the Page Element subtab, in the Element field, select the page element for the print button.

    4. In the Action Settings section, in the Report Type field, select the standard report type you want to configure.

  4. For custom mobile processes, access the Print button settings by doing one of the following:

    1. On the Mobile - Process List, click View next to the custom mobile process.

    2. On the Mobile - Process page, click the name of the mobile page that contains the Print button.

    3. On the Mobile - Page page, click the name of the print button.

    4. On the Mobile - Page Element page, click the link in the On Click Action field.

    5. On the Mobile - Action page, click the Print Reports subtab, next to a standard or custom report type, click Edit.

      The Mobile - Print Reports page appears.

  5. Check the box for the setting you want to enable:

    • Inactive – Check this box if you want to inactivate this report type for the Print button on this mobile page.

      This setting does not apply to the Print button of other mobile pages that use the same report type.

    • Required – Check this box if you want to set the report type to mandatory printing.

      Checking this box also hides the Skip option when you print the label or document associated with the report type.

    • Automatic – Check this box if you want to automatically print a label or other document.


      If you are setting up a report type that displays multiple print template options during printing, do not check this box. Otherwise, the report type does not appear on the Print popup window. This popup window contains the Template field from which you can choose a template to print.

      To automatically submit print requests in the backend, checking this box also checks the Required box. If all report types associated with the Print action are set to Automatic printing, the Print button is hidden from the mobile page.

  6. Click Save.

  7. If you want to update a Print button on another page within the same process, repeat Steps 3 and 4.

  8. To apply your updates to the mobile app, do one of the following:

    • For standard mobile processes, click Save & Update.

    • For custom mobile processes, you can perform other customizations that suit your business requirements. After you complete your customization, apply your updates to the mobile app. See Compiling Mobile Customizations.

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