Disable fields on a record

This sample is a client script that disables fields on a record.

The conversion of this script from SuiteScript 1.0 to SuiteScript 2.1 includes the following:

SuiteScript 1.0 Script

SuiteScript 2.1 Script

                    function pageInit() {
   nlapiDisableField('custrecord_other_fieldA', true);
   nlapiDisableField('custrecord_other_fieldB', true);

 * @NApiVersion 2.1
 * @NScriptType ClientScript

define ([], () => {
    function pageInit(context) {
        const myRecord = context.currentRecord;
        const myRecordFieldA = myRecord.getField({
            fieldId: 'custrecord_other_fieldA'
        const myRecordFieldB = myRecord.getField({
            fieldId: 'custrecord_other_fieldB'
        myRecordFieldA.isDisabled = true;
        myRecordFieldB.isDisabled = true;
    return {
        pageInit: pageInit


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