New Fields on Subsidiary, Customer, and Vendor Records

The Advanced Localization Features SuiteApp adds several new fields to subsidiary, customer, and vendor records.


The fields will only be used by the ALF invoice, credit memo, proforma, sales order, or purchase order PDF/HTML templates. The templates do not automatically work with standard templates or other custom templates. For more information, see Setting Up the Advanced Localization Features Templates.

List of Fields Added to the Subsidiary Record



Print VAT Summary in Base Currency

If you check this box, the VAT summary on the PDF printout of an invoice, credit memo, sales order, or purchase order issued in foreign currency will be printed in your base currency (that is, the currency selected for this subsidiary).

Print “Bill To” on Right (For Envelope Format)

By default, the “Bill To” (customer or vendor address) section is printed on the left side of invoices, credit memos, sales orders, or purchase orders. By checking this box, you can choose to print it on the right side instead (for this subsidiary). Change this setting depending on the type of envelopes used in individual countries.

Mark Documents as Copy or Duplicate

Use this box to allow marking printed invoices, credit memos, sales orders, and purchase orders as duplicates or copies. Each time you print an invoice, credit memo, sales order, or purchase order after its original has already been printed, the Duplicate mark appears on it. Similarly, if you print using the Print a PDF Copy button, the Copy mark appears on the printout. Leaving this box unchecked turns off this marking and hides the Print a PDF Copy button, while leaving all other functions unchanged. Box checked by default.

Print Note if There’s No Payment Discount

Use this box to add a note to be printed on your invoice if no payment discount is available for the payment. Box unchecked by default.

Hide Total Incl. VAT Column

Use this box to hide the Total incl. VAT (Gross Amount) column in the Item Detail section of printed documents created under the selected subsidiary. The selected value for this preference on a Subsidiary record will default into all newly created customer or vendor records that have this subsidiary set as a Primary subsidiary. Box unchecked by default.

Invoice/Credit Memo Notes

Enter any additional notes to be printed in the memo section of the printed invoice or credit memo. For example, you can highlight changes in contact or bank details or specify payment references.

Text is not translated for the printout.

Sales Order Notes

Enter any additional notes to be printed in the Memo section on the sales order. You can describe any changes to the contact or bank details, or specify payment references. The notes will only appear on printed sales orders that use the ALF Sales Order PDF/HTML Template.

Text is not translated for the printout.

Proforma Invoice Notes

Enter any additional notes to be printed in the Memo section on the proforma invoice. You can describe any changes to the contact or bank details, or specify payment references. The notes will only appear on printed proforma invoices that use the ALF Pro Forma invoice PDF/HTML Template.

Text is not translated for the printout.

Purchase Order Notes

Enter any additional notes to be printed in the Memo section on the purchase order. You can describe any changes to the contact or bank details, or specify payment references. The notes will only appear on printed purchase orders that use the ALF Purchase Order PDF/HTML Template.

Text is not translated for the printout.

Late Payment Note

Enter any notes regarding your late payment policy.

Text is not translated for the printout.

Other Legal Info

Enter any additional information to be printed on your transaction. For example, this could be the legal information of your company’s tax registration.

Text is not translated for the printout.

Managing Director

Enter the name of the managing director of your company (or subsidiary). If it is necessary to enter multiple names, separate them by commas.

Share Capital

Enter the value and the currency of your share capital (for example EUR 25 000).

SIC Code

Enter the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). This is a four-digit code to identify the industry a company belongs to.

Transaction Bank Details

Use this field to assign a Transaction Bank Details record to this subsidiary. The content of this record will be used on printed transaction forms. If required, this value can also be modified at customer, vendor or transaction level.

For more information, see Transaction Bank Details.

Default Invoice Language

Use this dropdown list to select a language that will become the default preferred language for every customer or vendor newly assigned to this subsidiary. This determines the language used on printed transaction forms.

You can view (or manually change) each customer's preferred language on the Customer record. Use the Language dropdown menu under the Preferences subtab.


You cannot set preferred language on the vendor record.

Lock Invoice

Use this dropdown list to set the invoice locking level for this subsidiary. For more information, see Invoice Locking.

Company Registration Number

Use this field to enter a registration number for this subsidiary. For example, you can use the Chamber of Commerce registration number, SIRET, or HVB number.

Do not enter the VAT registration number into this field. There is a separate field for it in the system.


This field is not located under the Invoice Configuration subtab (or any other subtab). You can find it among the main subsidiary fields (such as Name or Language).

Tax Type

Use this field to customize regional tax terminology, by choosing from any of the following tax types:

  • VAT

  • TAX

  • GST

List of Fields Added to the Customer or Vendor Record


Installing Advanced Localization Features will not overwrite existing customer or vendor records. For newly-created customer or vendor records, the content of these fields is inherited from the subsidiary that the customer or vendor is assigned to. However, you can also adjust these settings at customer or vendor level, if necessary.



Default Method of Payment

Specify the method of payment (direct debit, bank transfer, cheque, and so on) that will be used on all invoices, credit memos, sales orders, and purchase orders for this customer or vendor. Note that this setting can be modified at transaction level.

For more information, see Method of Payment.

Company Registration Number

Use this field to enter a registration number for this customer. For example, you can use the Chamber of Commerce registration number, SIRET, or HVB number.

Do not enter the VAT registration number into this field. There is a separate field for it in the system.


This field is not located under the Invoice Configuration subtab (or any other subtab). You can find it among the main subsidiary fields (such as Name or Language).

Hide Total Incl. VAT Column

Use this box to hide the Total incl. VAT (Gross Amount) column in the Item Detail section of printed documents created under the selected customer or vendor. Box unchecked by default.

Transaction Bank Details

Use this field to assign a Transaction Bank Details record to this customer or vendor. The content of this record will be used on printed transaction forms. If required, this value can also be modified at transaction level.

For more information, see Transaction Bank Details.

Save Printed PDFs

Check this box to save the printed PDFs of transactions. You can access the PDF files from the Printing History subtab of a customer's transactions. All the printed PDFs are saved in the File Cabinet.


Use this field to enter the Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number that is assigned to importers and exporters by the customs. The EORI number is required for importing and exporting goods between UK and European Union (EU).


EORI field is available only on the customer record and not on the vendor record. This field is not available on the custom forms by default. You must customize the custom forms to add the EORI field.

Calculating Logo Sizes

In NetSuite, you can use the Subsidiary record to select the logo image to be used on all forms by this subsidiary.

For subsidiary logos to be properly displayed on printed transactions forms, their sizes must be calculated. When you access the Customize Document Template page (Setup > Accounting > Customize Document Template) for the first time, you will see the notification in the upper part of the screen. Click the Calculate Logo Size button. The calculation process usually runs for several minutes. Another notification will be displayed to confirm that it has successfully finished.

Also, if you change any of the logos in your system, a similar notification will appear prompting you to recalculate the logo sizes. In this case, you will also receive an email with this information.

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