Adding External Labels
The Map Reduce (MR) script deployment provisions the addition of custom or external labels on the transaction templates that are utilized by the different localization SuiteApps. This functionality helps the localization SuiteApps that consume ALF templates to customize and generate templates with the required labels along with the standard labels as per the business requirements.
You can use the Script Deployment page to deploy MR script from the NetSuite account that handles the deployments.
To perform the script deployment, your NetSuite account must have ALF SuiteApp installed.
To Deploy MR Script with External Labels:
Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
From the script deployment records, select the script id customdeploy_alf_mr_save_ext_labels and click Edit.
On the Script Deployment page's Parameters subtab, enter the string data for the custom labels. Following is the sample string data:
label: "Test Field",
id: "custbody_test_field_${position}",
action: 'create'
label: "Test Field Modified",
id: "custbody_test_field_${position}",
action: 'update'
label: "Test Field",
id: "custbody_test_field_${position}",
action: 'delete'
label: "Test Field 1",
id: "custbody_test_field1_${position}"
The label refers to the section of the template such as header or body.
The Id parameter uses the respective field value.
Following are the place holders for the placement of the content on the printed template:
01 – Header position
02 – Body position
03 – Footer position
The Action parameter refers to the accomplishment of the provided string.
Note:Action parameter is optional for creating a new field on the transaction template. Without the Action parameter, the default action that takes place is Create.
Click Save and run to run the MR script. This script deployment updates all the ALF templates (Invoice, Credit Memo, Sales Order, and Purchase Order) with the custom labels.