Printing Preferences
The Printing Preferences subtab in the Customize Document Template page allows you to specify the watermark configuration on a printed transaction. You can define the number of copies to generate for a transaction record. The supported transaction types are invoice, a credit memo, a purchase order, and a sales order. The following fields are available on the Printing Preferences subtab:
Enable Multiple Copies
Check this box to allow printing of multiple copies of a transaction.
Clicking the Preview PDF or PDF Copy buttons applies the watermark settings from the Printing Preferences subtab, by replacing the default Draft and Copy watermarks.
For example, selecting Duplicate in the Number of Copies with Watermark field and clicking Preview PDF on transaction, generates two PDF copies with Original and Duplicate watermarks instead of Draft.
Note:When Enable Multiple Copies box is checked, the subsidiary level box Mark Documents as Copy or Duplicate on the transaction is not available.
Number of Copies with Watermark
Select the number of copies you want to print with the watermark. Following are the available options:
Original: One copy of PDF is generated with the watermark as Original.
Duplicate: Two copies of PDFs are generated, one with the watermark as Original and other with the watermark as Duplicate.
Triplicate: Three copies of PDFs are generated, one with the watermark as Original, second copy with the watermark as Duplicate, and the third copy with the watermark as Triplicate.
Quadruplicate: Four copies of PDFs are generated, one with the watermark as Original, second copy with the watermark as Duplicate, third copy with the watermark as Triplicate, and the fourth with the watermark as Quadruplicate.
Note:Number of Copies with Watermark field is enabled only when you check the Enable Multiple Copies box.
Watermark Position
Select the position of the watermark on the printed PDF. Following are the available options:
Top Left
Top Right