Setting Print Option for Japan Consumption Tax Form
You can specify which tax rates to include when printing the Japan Consumption Tax Form.
To set the Consumption Tax Form Print Option:
Open the Japan Localization Setup subtab:
(With OneWorld) Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries. Edit a Japan subsidiary, and then click the subtab.
(Without OneWorld) Go to Setup > Company > Company Information, and then click the subtab.
On the subtab, in the Consumption Tax Form Print Option field, choose any one of the following options:
Print All -The entire Japan Consumption Tax Form, with new and old tax rates , will be included when you print it.
Print New Tax Rates -Only new tax rates will be printed, excluding old tax rates in deductible tax tables 1-2 and 2-2.
If you do not specify a print option, the default is Print All.
Click Save.