Advanced Sign Up

The SuiteCommerce Advanced Sign Up extension lets you use an alternate signup form on your Commerce website in addition to, or instead of, the existing standard customer registration form.

The Advanced Sign Up form is particularly suited to wholesalers who want their users to register before they are able to shop on their site. To complete the registration process, users must be approved either manually or through the automatic approval process.

You can decide which fields to include on the Advanced Sign Up form and whether the form creates a lead or customer record in NetSuite.


Commerce extensions are only available if provisioned, installed, and activated for a selected domain in your NetSuite account. For more information, see Commerce Extensions.


The Advanced Sign Up extension requires SuiteCommerce or SuiteCommerce Advanced release 2019.1 or later.

This topic explains how to:


This extension only works if you are using a single domain for web store and checkout. For more information about types of domains, see Types of Domains.


This extension cannot be used if your site is password-protected. For more information, see Restrict Access to Your Entire Site.

Before You Begin

To take advantage of the Advanced Sign Up extension, you must set the Type of Customer Registration field to a setting that fits the needs of your website. You can find the Type of Customer Registration field in the Shopping tab, Registration Page subtab of the Web Site Setup record.

Refer to the table below for the Type of Customer Registration field options and the resulting behaviors for the standard customer registration and Advanced Sign Up forms. For more information about types of customer registration, see Customer Registration Flow.

Type of Customer Registration

Does the standard customer registration form appear on the site?

Does the Advanced Sign Up form appear on the site?

Are links to the Advanced Sign Up form added? Where?





Existing Customers Only



Yes — a Register link in the header of your website and a Create a New Account link at the bottom of the standard login form




Yes — a Create a New Account link at the top of the standard customer registration form




Yes — a Create a New Account link at the top of the standard customer registration form

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