SuiteCommerce Customer Management

Managing your customers and leads efficiently while making the sign-up process easier for customers is key to the success of your web store. Commerce web stores let you adapt your web store to your shoppers' registration preferences, avoiding cart abandonment. You can track customers ' movements and shopping behavior with specific records in NetSuite.

Web Store Registration

Your web store’s registration flow can be customized as required. By default, all new customers who register in your web store and have yet to complete an order are created as Lead records. Using Lead records, you can track potential customers and follow up with specific marketing actions such as email campaigns and promotions to encourage sales and conversion. When a new customer completes an order, the Lead record is converted into a Customer record.

Shoppers may decide not to create a web store account and proceed as a guest shopper. You can still track their sales activity with a Lead record.

You may want only existing NetSuite customers to access your web store and provide them with specific login credentials to do so.

Additionally, the Advanced Sign Up extension allows you to use an alternate signup form that you have customized to fit your needs. This is particularly helpful for wholesalers who want their customers to register before shopping on their site.

After customers register on your website, the information displayed on the My Account pages can also be customized to adapt to your business requirements. Customers can view their purchase history, request a return, update billing or shipping information, and even create or view an estimate.

Not all users registering on your website remain active customers. Passwords expire for web store customers who meet either of the following criteria:

If such a customer attempts to log in, they receive an error message that their password has expired. They can create a new password using the standard ‘forgot password’ functionality.

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