An attractive and functional layout is only the start of making your web store effective. You also need to actively reach out and attract new customers and offer an interactive and engaging omnichannel experience for shoppers, guiding them through the shopping process. SuiteCommerce offers all the tools you need to manage your marketing efforts. You can:
Offer various types of promotions and discounts
Generate new sales opportunities with correlated and related items
Personalize your website with merchandising zones to display complementary products based on search criteria or custom content delivery pages
Communicate directly with customers by using personalized email templates and newsletter subscriptions
Convert shoppers into your brand ambassadors with social sharing

Promotions in Commerce Web Stores
Attract shoppers to your web store by offering various types of promotions or discounts, including Item, Fixed Price Item, Order, Shipping, and Free Gift promotions and let them combine coupon codes with other promotions. With SuitePromotions, you can combine promotions on the same transaction and automatically apply eligible promotions.

Storefront Merchandising Tools
Generate up-sell opportunities by suggesting complementary and best-selling products and offering pre-paid gift certificates.

Inform customers about your products and advertise your brands and success stories.

SuiteCommerce Customer Management
Determine the registration process for your website, allowing users to sign in as new or existing customers or check out as guest shoppers.

Personalize how you address customers by customizing web store email templates, manage newsletter subscriptions and add social sharing capabilities.

Configure and manage product reviews. With product reviews, users can submit reviews for items and review ratings submitted by other users.

Allow users to create a side-by-side comparison of up to four products. You can configure the comparison page and select the item fields to include in the comparison table.