Setting Up Auto Bank Statement Import

Using the Auto Bank Statement Import (ABSI) SuiteApp, create your own financial institution record and configure your format profile record for SFTP connection.

To set up the Auto Bank Statement Import feature:

  1. Create a financial institution record. See Creating Financial Institution Records.

  2. Add a format profile to the financial institution record. For more information, see Creating Format Profiles for Bank Reconciliation.

    When creating a format profile that uses SFTP connection, set the following fields:

    1. Connectivity Method – Select SFTP Connectivity.

    2. Transaction Parser – Select any standard or custom Bank Statement Parser Plug-in.

      For more information about the available standard parser plug-ins you can use for the ABSI SuiteApp, see Bank Statement Parsers SuiteApp.

  3. Configure the format profile by setting up and submitting your SFTP connectivity credentials on the Connectivity Configuration subtab. For details, see steps 5 – 6 of Configuring SFTP Connection for Auto Bank Statement Import.

  4. Proceed to the Account Linking subtab to map the data from your financial institutions to corresponding GL accounts in NetSuite. For more information, see Linking Accounts for Financial Institution Connectivity.

    If you are using a standard bank statement parser and you need more information about which mapping keys to use, see Identifying Unique Account IDs for Standard Bank Statement Parsers.

  5. (Optional) Map custom bank codes to corresponding bank data types. For details, see Mapping Custom Bank Codes.

    If you are using a standard bank statement parser, standard transaction codes are already mapped to the parsers. For MT940, for example, standard SWIFT codes are included in the parser. You must perform this step only if your bank is using custom transaction codes or if you want to override the standard transaction code mapping.

    To know which transaction codes are supported for each file format, read Supported Transaction Codes for Bank Statement Parsers SuiteApp.

  6. If you are using a standard BAI2 or MT940 transaction parser, you must configure the parser on the Parser Configuration subtab of your format profile. For details, see Configuring Standard Bank Transaction Parsers.

  7. Click Save.

If successful, you will be redirected to the financial institution page, and then NetSuite displays a progress message that an import process has started. To view the progressing status of your import, click Track your status.

Configuring SFTP Connection for Auto Bank Statement Import

When using the Auto Bank Statement Import (ABSI) SuiteApp, an SFTP connection is required to connect NetSuite to your financial institution’s server. You can configure your SFTP connection in NetSuite by providing one or both information :

  • Digital Certificate or Private Key

  • Password

If your financial institution requires two-factor authentication, be sure to provide both information to successfully connect to your financial institution’s server.

You can also set a file name pattern that enables the SFTP Connectivity plug-in to identify which files to import into NetSuite.

To configure your SFTP connection on the format profile record:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Financial Statements > Financial Institutions > List.

  2. On the Financial Institutions page, click View next to your financial institution record.

  3. On the Format Profile: Configuration subtab, click the format profile you want to use for SFTP connectivity.

  4. On the format profile page, click Edit to view and set up your connectivity configuration.

  5. On the Connectivity Configuration subtab, set the following fields:

    • URL – Enter the URL for the connecting financial institution.


      Editing the URL value of an existing format profile record automatically clears the Password field. Be sure to reenter your SFTP account password before submitting your connectivity configuration.

    • Username – Enter your SFTP account username.

    • Digital Certificate or Private Key – If your bank requires account authentication through a certificate or key, select a Digital Certificate or Private Key ID.

      A digital certificate or private key may be used in place of a password to establish a connection to the financial institution’s server. The digital certificate is available in Setup > Company > Preferences > Certificates. The private keys are available in Setup > Company > Preferences > Keys.

      For more information about how they are stored and managed, see Uploading Digital Certificates and Uploading Private SSH Keys.

    • Password – If your bank requires account authentication through a password, enter your SFTP account password.


      When creating a new SFTP configuration, the Password field is disabled by default. To enable the field, you must enter a value in the URL field first.

    • Host Key – Enter the host key of the financial institution's SFTP server. The host key is required even if Digital Certificate or Private key ID is supplied instead of a password.

      Read the following topics for more information about SFTP Host Key:

    • Host Key Type – Select the host key type for this configuration. The host key type can be any of the following: RSA, DSA, or ECDSA.

    • Port – Enter the port number that will connect to the remote account. Port number value must range from 0 to 65535.

    • Download Filename Pattern – You can set up a file name pattern using regular expressions and reserved words. You can use the reserved words, enclosed in curly brackets, as date variables in your file name pattern. The final output of the file name will be replaced with the appropriate dates.


      When you use reserved words, you must specify the Bank Server Time Zone (GMT) and Date Format for Reserved Word fields.

      If you leave this field blank, the system will match and retrieve whatever file is available in the bank’s server.

      Sample Filename Pattern: MyBank_[0-9]{5}_{DateToday}.txt

      Filename: MyBank_00198_08042019.txt

      The reserved words are available in the following table. The sample values below assumes that the current date is August 4, 2019, and the date format is MMDDYYYY.

      Reserved Word


      Sample Value


      This reserved word will be replaced with the date today.



      This reserved word will be replaced with the date of the previous business day.

      Only the days between, and including, Monday through Friday are considered business days.



      This reserved word will be replaced with the date yesterday.



      This reserved word will be replaced with the date of the previous month’s last day.



      This reserved word will be replaced with the date of the current month’s first day.


    • Bank Sever Time Zone (GMT) – Select the time zone that will be used to determine the date that will replace the reserved word in the file name pattern. If left blank, the time zone defined in the User Preferences page will be used instead.

      A valid time zone must be between -12:00 to +13:00. The time zone values must be in 15-minute intervals, include leading zeros (if applicable), and may include +or -sign. For example, +08:00 and -08:15 are valid time zones.

    • Date Format for Reserved Word – Enter a date format that will apply to the reserved words in your filename pattern. A date format is required if the filename pattern contains reserved words.

      The value of this field is set to YYYYMMDD by default.

      A valid date format may have a combination of the following:

      • 2 – 3 M (month) characters

      • 2 D (day) characters

      • 2 or 4 Y (year) characters

      • may include a hyphen (-) separator

    • Download Directory – Enter the path to the directory that contains the bank statement file to download. By default, the value entered in this field is treated as a relative path.

    • Use Absolute Path – Check this box if your financial institution uses an absolute path directory. By checking this box, the system treats the URL format entered in the Download Directory field as an absolute path.

    • Download Timeout – Enter the number of seconds to allow for the file to download. Download timeout value must be between 1 and 300.

      The value of this field is set to 300 by default.

  6. Click Submit.

After configuring your SFTP connection on the Connectivity Configuration subtab, continue to the Account Linking subtab. See step 4 of setting up the Auto Bank Statement Import feature for more information.

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