2020.2.0 Release of SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced
The 2020.2.0 major release includes the following features and enhancements:
The enhancements listed herein typically apply to SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced; however, some features could apply to a subset of each. The following enhancements explain the implementations to which they apply.
SuiteCommerce Advanced Ends Support for Internet Explorer 9
Applies to: SuiteCommerce Advanced
As of December 2020, SuiteCommerce Advanced web store implementations no longer support the use of Internet Explorer 9. Support for IE9 and older is discontinued for all versions of SuiteCommerce Advanced. Discontinued support of IE9 does not mean that your Commerce web store will crash on IE9 users. However, it does mean that IE 9 users may experience unexpected behaviors. For more information, see Supported Browsers for Commerce Websites.
Measuring Performance of Commerce Websites
Applies to: SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced
The new SuiteCommerce Application Performance Management (APM) SuiteApp measures the performance of your SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) websites. The SuiteApp is now available for SuiteCommerce and SCA implementations of 2020.1.1 release and later.
You can use SuiteCommerce APM to view content display times and view counts filtered according to page type, device, or navigation type. Web store managers can use SuiteCommerce APM to monitor website metrics that can contribute to performance issues. Administrators can use the SuiteApp to find the causes of performance issues and investigate specific actions and timing.
SuiteCommerce APM includes the following dashboards:
SuiteCommerce Performance Dashboard – Serves as the starting point for investigating potential concerns. View high-level information about the SuiteCommerce SuiteApp in use, trends in view counts, and statistics for each page type and action on your website.
SuiteCommerce Page Type Diagnostics - View detailed timing and view counts of specific web and modal addresses on the page type that you want to investigate. Use this dashboard to view detailed page data during specific times.
SuiteCommerce Action Diagnostics - View information about actions that users performed on the website and domain that you want to investigate. Use this dashboard to view detailed performance data about actions performed on the site.
SuiteCommerce APM is a managed SuiteApp. After you install it, updates and enhancements are pushed automatically to your account. You do not need to update it manually.
For more information, see Application Performance Management (APM) for Commerce.
Some tables found in SuiteCommerce APM include links to pages available with the APM SuiteApp. To open these pages, you must first install the APM SuiteApp. For more information, see Application Performance Management (APM).
Extension Manager Displays Automated Activations
Applies to: SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced
With the 2020.2.0 release, the Extension Manager has been modified to include a new Activated By column. This new columns displays either:
The ID of a bundle that automatically activated the extension during installation.
The ID of a user within the current account who activated the extension.
When an extension has been automatically activated by a specific bundle, you can click the View Info link next to the bundle ID to learn more about the activation.
For more information, see Extension Manager Overview.
Provide Translations in Custom Themes and Extensions
Applies to: SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced
With the 2020.2.0 release, developers can provide translations for the text and templates included in their customizations. Developers can add .json
translation files for one or more languages to any extension or theme and then apply those translations to their Commerce website. Developers can also translate other text in each Commerce application, Shopping, My Account, or Checkout, if they need to update areas of the user interface that are related to their customizations.
Currently, translations included in themes and extensions cannot be tested locally. This capability will be supported in a future release.
For more information, see Include Translations in Themes.
Enable Strike-Through Price Display for Configured Items
Applies to: SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced
The 2020.2.0 release introduces support for strike-through pricing.
With strike-through pricing enabled, your site displays lower prices set on particular items for particular customers next to the higher default prices. The higher default prices display with a strike through them so customers can immediately see the reduced prices they are being offered on configured items.
For more information, see Strike-Through Pricing.
Commerce Frontend Module Updates
Applies to: SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced
The 2020.2.0 release includes updates to some frontend modules. For example, the name of the SC.Configuration frontend module has been changed to Configuration. The way in which Footer.View and other frontend modules are exported has also been changed. These updates will not affect most implementations. However, they may cause issues for customizations developed in a way other than as recommended via the Extensibility framework.
If your implementation includes customizations that were achieved in a way other than as recommended:
SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce MyAccount implementations: Check your customizations for potential issues when SuiteCommerce 2020.2.0 is released.
SuiteCommerce Advanced implementations: Test these types of cutomizations before upgrading to 2020.2.0.
Hide the Add to Cart Button
Applies to: SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced
The 2020.2.0 release supports a new Personalized Catalog Views (PCV) feature letting you hide the Add to Cart button based on one or more customer segments.
If you use Personalized Catalog Views on SuiteCommerce or SuiteCommerce Advanced 2020.2 or later, the Add to Cart button in your web store can be hidden for one or more customer segments.
To configure the button’s visibility, use the Website Visibility Level options available in Customer Segments Manager. There are two visibility options:
Display Fully -members of customer segments with this visibility level are able to see all items in the item segment and are able to add them to their shopping carts.
Disable Purchase -members of customer segments with this visibility level are able to see all items in the item segment but they cannot add them to their shopping carts.
Note:The Disable Purchase option will come into effect on the website after you have upgraded to the 20.2 release of SuiteCommerce or SuiteCommerce Advanced. Do not use the Disable Purchase website visibility level prior to this upgrade.
A third visibility option, Hide Fully, is available only for the Unmapped Items item segment. This item segment contains all items that are not mapped to a customer segments. You can use the visibility options to define whether these items should be displayed to or hidden from all users.
For more information, see Managing which Customer Segments can Access Item Segments.
Extensibility API Updates
Applies to: SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced
The 2020.2.0 release introduces several new components to the SuiteCommerce Extensibility API. The new components are designed to help you work with views in a SuiteCommerce extension. Use SCView
to create new views and child views, use SCCollectionView
to display collections of elements, and use SCFormView
to work with form data and validation.
SCView is a new component that builds on Backbone.View. It provides methods that enable you to get and validate context data required by views, define events in views, and retrieve JSON-LD.
Starting with the 2020.2 release of SuiteCommerce, you should now use SCView in your extensions instead of Backbone.View. SCView extends from Backbone.View, inheriting all its methods and properties. SCView also provides additional methods specific to SuiteCommerce.
For more information, see the extensibility API reference.
The SCCollectionView component provides an abstract class (SCCollectionView
), which enables you to display a collection of elements, usually in a grid pattern. Use this component when you want to modify how multiple items are displayed on the page.
For more information, see the extensibility API reference.
SCFormView provides functions to validate form data and save the form data to the associated model. With SCFormView, you can perform type checking on input data before it is validated and saved to the model. SCFormView includes several methods that let you control the behavior of form validation and submission.
For more information, see the extensibility API reference.
Deprecation of Backbone.Model, Backbone.View, and Backbone.Collection
Applies to: SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced
With the 2020.2.0 release, usage of the following Backbone.js modules is now considered deprecated in the SuiteCommerce extensibility API. Use the following SuiteCommerce components instead of the equivalent native Backbone modules. See the extensibility API reference for more information about the SuiteCommerce components.
Do Not Use |
Use |
Available Since |
Backbone.View |
SCView |
2020.2 and later |
Backbone.Model |
SCModel |
2020.1 and later |
Backbone.Collection |
SCCollection |
2020.1 and later |
Configuration Changes
Applies to: SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced
The following configuration properties have been added with the 2020.2.0 release. Refer to the appropriate section for more information.
Property Label (SuiteCommerce Configuration Record) |
Property ID |
More Information |
Property Location (SuiteCommerce Configuration Record Tab > Subtab) |
Enable strike-through behavior |
priceLevel.enabled |
Shopping Catalog |
Default price level |
priceLevel.default |
Shopping Catalog |
Field Set Changes
Applies to: SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced
With the 2020.2.0 release, the Field Set Setup Script was updated to add the following field sets. Field IDs:
Applied to the following Field sets:
These fields are required to support updates to the Personalized Catalog Views feature included with this release. New customers must run the Field Set Setup Script when setting up their site. Existing SuiteCommerce customers should automatically receive the corrected field sets with the 2020.2.0 update. If you are migrating your SCA implementation, you should add these field sets manually.
For more information, see Initial Field Sets for SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced.
Node.js Requirement Change
Applies to: SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced
With the 2020.2.0 release, the developer tools have been modified to support Node.js version 12.16.3. To use the Theme, Extension, or core SCA 2020.2 developer tools, you must update Node.js to this version.
For more information, see Install Node.js.
Third-Party Library Updates
Applies to: SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced
The following third-party libraries have been updated with the 2020.2.0 release. Library version information is also shown in the distro.json file. Ensure that any themes and extensions using these libraries are compatible with the update and make any appropriate changes. If you are migrating SCA to this release, ensure that no deprecated methods exist in your implementation before migrating.
Library |
Old Version |
New Version |
almond |
0.3.3* |
0.3.3 (using standard version) |
bootstrap-datepicker |
1.8.1 |
1.9.0 |
JQuery |
3.4.1* |
3.5.1* |
sass.js |
0.10.10 |
0.11.1* |
underscore.js |
1.9.1 |
1.10.2* |
*customized version
Issue Fixes
Applies to: SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced
The 2020.2.0 release includes all minor release fixes, improvements, and security updates of the previous release, including:
2020.1.11.1 Fixes
Issue causing "Please select a credit card" error message to display instead of the Review Your Order page when shoppers click the Back button on the Checkout page. This issue was isolated to web sites configured for One Page Checkout and shoppers with terms included on their customer records.
Issue preventing auto-population of credit card street and zip code information on the Billing tab for a Sales order due to AVS Street Match and AVS Zip match failing with an "Unsupported by processor" error. This issue was isolated to sites where the Payment Instruments feature was enabled for payment processing.
2020.1.10 Fixes
Issues when clicking I want to ship to multiple addresses using one-page checkout. This issue resulted in blank shipping and delivery method sections, relying on the shopper to click Continue to redirect to the correct flow.
2020.1.9 Fixes
Issue creating two Item Search API calls for
. -
Issue causing the Cart to sort items by Internal ID, not according to sequence when added to the Cart, as expected.
Issue preventing matrix item images from zooming on mouse over.
Issue causing a shopper’s Purchase History to display a purchased quantity of 1, regardless of the actual quantity ordered.
2020.1.8 Fixes
Issue preventing users from sorting product reviews with multiple pages.
Issue preventing credit card authentication process during checkout on websites with 3D Secure 2.0 enabled.
Issue triggering an incorrect Google Tag Manager SearchItem-end event.
2020.1.7 Fixes
Issue causing the shipping method to continuously reload after a user edits one of its fields during guest checkout.
Issue where enabling the Same as shipping address option during checkout causes removal of the name provided for the shipping address and failure to populate the billing address fields. This behavior was isolated to users logged in as Company customers.
2020.1.6 Fixes
Issue causing customer credit card information to be saved for open invoices paid from the My Account > Billing page when the Save Credit Card Info by Default preference is disabled.
Currency conversion issue causing the total amount of a customer’s return authorization to be less than the amount from the original sales order.
Issue preventing mobile users from accessing the Save for Later page from their shopping cart.
2020.1.5 Fixes
Issue preventing users from removing, selecting, or adding a shipping address during checkout on sites configured for One-Page checkout flow.
Issue preventing multi-language sites from displaying the correct language on the Phone Number entry validation message. For example, a multi-language site properly configured for Japanese incorrectly displays, Phone is required, in English.
Issue preventing users from setting a default credit card on sites implementing the payment instruments feature.
2020.1.4 Fixes and Improvements
In the 2020.1.2 release of SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced, a new Security subtab was added to the Advanced tab of the Configuration Record. The Security subtab provides settings to control whether your site's pages can be rendered in a frame. For more information, see Security Subtab. The default setting, which disallows framing by all domains other than your own, is now active. You should change the default if you want to continue to allow other domains to render pages in a frame.
Updated the jQuery JavaScript library to version 3.5.1.
Added an Enable Zoom for Images option to the Shopping Catalog Tab of the Configuration Record. This new option is enabled by default so that images in the Product Details Page and Quick View display at zoom size when a user hovers over them. For more information, see Shopping Catalog Tab.
Updated SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced to ensure HTTP security headers are included in all SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced sites.
Issue causing the error message, Please Provide a Billing Address, to be displayed to customers who have provided a billing address during checkout in the One Page Checkout and Billing First flows.
Issue causing images that include a zoom size in the image resizing options to resize when a user hovers over them.
Issue that allows customers with Quote permissions to place an order and complete the checkout flow from the Quote Detail Page without selecting a billing address.
Issue preventing changes made to custom skins using the SMT Theme Skin Manager from being saved.
Issue preventing customers from removing previously entered zip codes in the Estimate Tax and Shipping field during checkout.
Issue causing all associated images for a selected item to display at the same time on the Product Details Page or in the Quick View.
Extension Manager issue causing Font Awesome icons to display as question marks on sites that do not use UTF-8 character encoding.
2020.1.3 Fixes
Issue resulting in a blank My Account page for customers with more than 1000 invoices. As a result, you may see an error in the console such as: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' on MyAccountEnvironment.Service.ssp.
Issue preventing multiple image scrolling on a product’s details page after launching a modal window, such as might occur after clicking the Add to Cart button.
Product reviews issue resulting in no feedback or acknowledgement after the shopper selects yes or no when asked Was this review helpful?. As a result, you may see an error in the console such as:
jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot set property 'innerText' of undefined TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerText' of undefined.
Issue resulting in an incorrect message to the shopper. In this case, a shopper adding an item quantity that is unavailable receives a message alerting them to reduce their order and click a link. This issue displayed a URL for the link instead of text.
Issue preventing shoppers from accessing or editing payment methods when checking out (on webstores set up for one-page checkout) or when editing settings in My Account.
Issue customizing the LoginRegister.Register.View module using the Extension Developer Tools. Implementing the addToViewContextDefinition method results in the following error: INVALID_PARAM:
The specified view_id ('LoginRegister.Register.View') is not valid for the current component or the callback is not a function.
2020.1.2 Fixes and Improvements
A new Security subtab has been added to the Advanced tab of the Configuration Record. The Security subtab provides settings to control whether your site's pages can be rendered in a frame. For more information, see Security Subtab. The default setting disallows framing by all domains other than your own, so you need to change the default if you want to continue to allow other domains to render pages in a frame. The default setting is not yet active to ensure you have time to change it if needed. Monitor future release notes to learn when the new default setting is activated.
Issue causing customers who try to place an order from a Quote Detail page to be redirected to the Thank You page instead of the External Payment page.
Issue where enabling the Payment Instruments feature for your company causes blank pages to be displayed for users who try to access the My Account and Checkout pages.
Issue preventing cash sales made via SuiteCommerce InStore from displaying in Purchase History for My Account.
Issue preventing the cartView event being triggered on the Cart page in the Google Tag Manager data layer when using the Criteo service.
Issue causing product images to move to the left when viewing successive images using the zoom feature.
2020.1.1.1 Fixes
The OrderHistory and ReturnAuthorization modules have been rolled back to SuiteScript 1.0. Migration of these modules to SuiteScript 2.0 in SuiteCommerce/SuiteCommerce Advanced release 2020.1.0 caused unexpected issues with field sets.
Issue with instrumentation module negatively impacting SEO page generator.
2020.1.1 Fixes
Issue preventing the quantity number for an order displayed in My Account > Purchase History from matching the original quantity number.
Issue causing a missing Product Internal ID in the data layer communicating to Google Tag Manager on product-related events, such as
. -
Issue involving http 301 responses (permanent URL redirection) resulting in the following error: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS. This occurred when the URL for an item contained multiple URL fragments.
Issue causing external payment methods to fail, resulting in the following message: Payment method is not supported for this gateway.
Issue preventing pending or partially paid invoices from displaying in the Invoices menu of My Account.
One-page checkout issue resulting in both the shipping and billing addresses defaulting to one address after shoppers enter two separate addresses (Same as Shipping option remains unchecked).
Issue causing the following error when using the SC Inventory Display extension: QuotaExceededError: DOM Exception 22: An attempt was made to add something to storage that exceeded the quota. This error occurred on secure domains with CDN enabled.