Shopping Catalog Tab
The settings on this tab let you configure properties related to shopping, including shopping cart, facets, and product details. This tab includes overall catalog properties plus the following subtabs:
Add to Cart Behavior
This string specifies the action that occurs when the user adds an item to the cart. Possible values are:
showCartConfirmationModal (default)
ID |
addToCartBehavior |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog |
JSON file |
Cart.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
SC.Shopping.Configuration.js |
Add to Cart from Facets View
This Boolean specifies if a facet view displays the Add to Cart button on each search result.
ID |
addToCartFromFacetsView |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog |
JSON file |
Cart.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
SC.Shopping.Configuration.js |
Allow Adding More Than One PromoCode
This property applies to:
SuiteCommerce Advanced -Elbrus and later
This Boolean enables or disables the SuitePromotions feature.
More Information: Promotions in Commerce Web Stores
ID |
promocodes.allowMultiples |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog |
JSON file |
Cart.json |
Allow custom matrix child search in the item list
This property applies to:
SuiteCommerce Advanced -Kilimanjaro and later
This Boolean enables or disables custom matrix child item search within the Item list. If this property is enabled, the item search uses the field set defined in the Matrix child items fieldset for search property for the Matrix Child Items (Detail) field.
More Information: See Item Search API Input Parameters (matrixchilditems_fieldset
parameter information).
ID |
matrixchilditems.enabled |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog |
JSON file |
Cart.json |
Matrix child items fieldset for search
This property applies to:
SuiteCommerce Advanced -Kilimanjaro and later
This string defines the field set used with the custom matrix child item search feature. The default value of this field uses the matrixchilditems_search
field set. This is part of the default field set setup script. However, you can customize this to match any custom matrix child item field set.
If this property is left blank, but the Allow custom matrix child search in the item list is enabled, the custom matrix child search feature will not process the custom field set. Instead, the application uses the default matrixchilditems
field set. You can also set up this feature manually by customizing the Item Search API.
More Information: See Item Search API Input Parameters (matrixchilditems_fieldset
parameter information).
ID |
matrixchilditems.fieldset |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog |
JSON file |
Cart.json |
If the Information is Available to your Country, shows detailed taxes in the Cart
This property applies to:
SuiteCommerce Advanced -Kilimanjaro and later
This Boolean enables or disables the per line tax details in the Cart and purchase history. This applies to Australian and Canadian accounts using PST, GST, and VAT tax codes.
More Information: Commerce Web Store Taxes
ID |
showTaxDetailsPerLine |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog |
JSON file |
Cart.json |
Enable Zoom for Images
This Boolean enables or disables zoom display of item images. This option is enabled by default so that images in the Product Details Page and Quick View display at zoom size when a user hovers over them.
ID |
isZoomEnabled |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog |
JSON file |
Cart.json |
Default Search URL
This string specifies the default search URL.
ID |
defaultSearchUrl |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog |
JSON file |
DefaultSearchURL.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
Configuration.js |
Maximum Option Values Quantity Without Pusher
This property applies to:
SuiteCommerce Advanced -Elbrus and later
This number property indicates the maximum number of option values to appear in line on any mobile device's product details pages before displaying a pusher. For example, if an item lists two dimensions with four values each, the item has eight total values to render in the PDP. Setting this property to 6 results in listing the first dimension and its four values plus the second dimension and its first two values on a mobile device’s PDP before displaying a pusher. When a user touches the pusher, the next two item options appear in a new screen.
This property applies to the PDP on mobile devices only.
ID |
ItemOptions.maximumOptionValuesQuantityWithoutPusher |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog |
JSON file |
ProductDetails.ItemOptions.json |
Enable Strike-Through Behavior
This property applies to:
SuiteCommerce Advanced 2020.2 and later
When enabled, this Boolean compares a customer’s configured price level with the price level that you set here in the corresponding Default Price Level field. If the price level set for the customer is lower than the default price level, the item pricing on your site is displayed with a strike mark through the higher default price and the lower customer price is displayed next to it.
This Boolean is enabled by default with the corresponding Default Price Level field set to pricelevel1
More Information: Strike-Through Pricing
ID |
priceLevel.enabled |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog |
JSON file |
Cart.json |
Default Price Level
This property applies to:
SuiteCommerce Advanced 2020.2 and later
This string specifies the default price level to compare to a customer’s configured price level for strike-through pricing. If the price level set for the customer is lower than the default price level, the item pricing on your site is displayed with a strike mark through the higher default price and the lower customer price is displayed next to it.
The default value for this fields is pricelevel1
More Information: Strike-Through Pricing
ID |
priceLevel.default |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog |
JSON file |
Cart.json |
Enable Personalized Search API Endpoints
This property applies to:
SuiteCommerce Advanced 2021.2 and later
This Boolean specifies whether personalized Search API endpoints can be used.
More Information: Cacheable and Personalized Endpoints.
ID |
isNewSearchApiEnabled |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog > Personalized Search API Endpoints |
JSON file |
Cart.json |