SuiteAnalytics Workbook Glossary

This glossary contains descriptions of the elements used for workbook and dataset authoring.

Analytical Record Type: Record types created specifically for Workbook that are made up of fields from various record types and predefined criteria. For more information, see Analytical Record Types.

Analytics data source: The data source used by SuiteAnalytics Workbook. Record types and fields in this data source might have different locations or labels than the data sources used for saved searches and reports. For more information, see Analytics Data Source Overview.

Calculated measure: A measure that you can create in your pivot table or chart using arithmetic operations with the measures available in the connected dataset. For more information, see Calculated Measures.

Charts: A workbook visualization that enables you to visualize your dataset query results using predefined chart and graph types, such as line graphs and bar charts. For more information, see Workbook Charts.

Common keys: Common keys are fields that contain the same data in two different datasets. You setup common keys when you want to link two datasets in a workbook. When you select the Create Dataset Link option within a workbook, NetSuite automatically assigns fields with matching names and data types as common keys. For more information, see <Common Keys>.

Conditional formatting: Enables you to highlight results for fields containing NUMBER and STRING values in your workbook table views and pivot tables. For more information, see Conditional Formatting

Criteria Builder: The area above the Data Grid in the Dataset Builder. You use this area to create criteria filters, which change the dataset query results and the values presented in any workbooks that are based on the dataset.

Criteria filters: Filter conditions that are applied to a dataset using the Criteria Builder. Criteria filters are automatically propagated to any workbooks and workbook visualizations that are based on the dataset, when the dataset is saved. For more information, see Dataset Criteria Filters.

Data Grid: The Data Grid is where you add fields to your dataset. You can only build workbook visualizations such as table views, pivot tables, and charts using fields that have been added to the underlying dataset of a workbook, and therefore the Data Grid.

Dataset: Datasets are the basis for all workbooks and workbook visualizations in your account. In a dataset, you combine record type fields and criteria filters to create a query. The results of this query act as the source data for the workbook visualizations you create. A single dataset can be used in multiple workbook visualizations, so to prevent data discrepancies, they can only be edited or deleted by dataset owners or users with the Analytics Administrator permission. Additionally, you can use multiple different datasets in the same workbook, enabling you to analyze different metrics. For more information, see Defining a Dataset.

Dataset Builder: The area of the user interface where you build your datasets by creating a query. The Dataset Builder contains the Records and Fields lists, the Data Grid, and the Criteria Builder. For more information, see Dataset Builder.

Dataset Panel: The leftmost area of any workbook visualization, containing all of the fields of the selected dataset. You can access and edit the underlying dataset, switch to a different dataset, or create a new dataset from this panel if the selected one does not contain the fields you need. Use the fields in this panel to build your table views, pivot tables, and charts.

Filters: Filter conditions applied only to a specific workbook visualization, such as a table view, pivot table, or chart. These filters do not affect the underlying dataset or any other visualizations within the workbook. For example, if you apply a filter to a pivot table, it does not change the data presented in the workbook’s charts. To filter the values presented throughout the workbook or in the underlying dataset, you need to create a criteria filter.

Join: The action of combining fields from multiple record types to define a dataset. To complete a join, select a record type from the Records list in the Dataset Builder, then add one of the record type fields to the Data Grid or use it to build a criteria filter. There are certain behaviors you should be aware of when you join record types in a dataset, such as unwanted data duplication. For more information, see Guidelines for Joining Record Types in SuiteAnalytics Workbook.

Join path: Some record types are only accessible through a specific join path. For example, to join the transaction accounting line record type in a dataset, you must first access the transaction line record type through the transaction record type. In this scenario, the join path is transaction> transaction line> transaction accounting line.

Linked datasets: After you connect a dataset to a workbook, you can use it as the basis for any visualizations you create. You can also link two connected datasets, so that you can compare data from each within the same visualization. For more information, see Dataset Linking in SuiteAnalytics Workbook.

Pivot Table: A workbook visualization that enables you to pivot your dataset query results by defining measures and dimensions, so that you can analyze different subsets of data. For more information, see Workbook Pivot Tables.

Records and Fields lists: The leftmost area of the Dataset Builder. These lists display any of the record types and fields that you can join in a dataset, based on the selected root record type on the dataset, your NetSuite permissions, and the features enabled in your account.

Records Catalog: A cross-channel, contextual tool that provides all records available for use in NetSuite. Within the Records Catalog, you can find all available records, their fields, sublists, IDs, APIs, joins, and search filter fields for those records.

Table View: A workbook visualization that enables you to view your dataset query results in a simple table. For more information, see Workbook Table Views.

Workbook: Workbooks are where you analyze the results of your dataset queries using different visualizations, such as table views, pivot tables, and charts. All workbook visualizations are based on a dataset, and you can use different datasets for each visualization in a single workbook. This enables you to analyze different metrics within a single workbook. You can access the underlying dataset from the Dataset Panel in any workbook visualization. When you author a workbook visualization you can either define a new custom dataset, or use any of the existing datasets that you have access to in your account. For more information, see Creating a Workbook.

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