Accessing and Sharing Workbooks and Datasets
Workbooks created prior to 2020.1 exist as two separate workbook and dataset objects. Consequently, any users that you shared a workbook with prior to 2020.1 have access to both the workbook and the associated dataset. However, because changes to a dataset are automatically propagated to any associated workbooks, recipients cannot edit a shared dataset unless they save their own versions. For more information, see Custom Workbooks and Datasets.
When you first click the Analytics tab from the NetSuite navigation menu, you are presented with all the workbooks and datasets that you have access to on the Analytics Home page. This includes any workbooks or datasets that you own and any that have been shared with you. To preview the contents of a workbook or dataset, click the Details link to open the Details panel. If you have the Analytics Administrator permission, you can also open workbooks and datasets created by other users in your account, and access or share predefined workbook and dataset templates. For more information about the Analytics Administrator permission, see The Analytics Administrator Permission.
The record types and fields displayed in each workbook or dataset are based on the features enabled in your account and the permissions assigned to the role you use to login to NetSuite. For example, to view fields and data from the invoice record type or to create a dataset based on the invoice record type, you must have the Invoice permission assigned to your role. Additionally, certain actions in SuiteAnalytics Workbook are controlled by your NetSuite permissions. For example, to export a dataset to a CSV file, you must have the Exports Lists permission at the Create level or higher.
For more information about specific record type and field access in Workbook, download the following worksheet: NetSuitePermissionsUsage.xls. If you do not see a specific record type or field that you need to access, contact your system administrator. Also, keep in mind that you can only access certain workbooks and datasets such as the Sales (Invoiced) workbook, if they are shared with you by other users in your account. For more information, see Saving and Sharing Workbooks and Datasets.
Saving and Sharing Workbooks and Datasets
You can share workbooks and datasets with individual users or groups of users on a role by role basis. To prevent data discrepancies in workbooks that use the same datasets, recipients of a shared workbook cannot edit the associated datasets. For example, if you share a workbook with users assigned to the Accountant role, all users assigned to that role can access and save their own versions of the workbook or connected datasets, but they cannot edit the original datasets. Additionally, if there are multiple datasets connected to a workbook, you must save each dataset before saving and sharing the workbook. This includes datasets that you create during the workbook authoring process but do not connect to a visualization. If you do not want to share datasets that are not connected to a workbook visualization, delete them before saving and sharing the workbook.
Anyone with access to Workbook can share a workbook or dataset, however recipients can only view the record types and fields that they have access to based on their permissions. Record types and fields that a recipient does not have access to are simply not displayed. If you have the Analytics Administrator permission, you can also share workbooks and datasets with every user in your account using the Share with all option. Keep in mind however, if you use Share with all in a workbook, the original author will not be able to connect additional datasets to it. Make sure you contact the original owner of a workbook before you share it with everyone in your account.
Shared workbooks include all workbook visualizations, including any selections made on the Table View, Pivot, or Chart tabs. If any of the visualizations are based on linked datasets, the link definition is shared as well. You cannot share a set of linked datasets without sharing the associated workbook. Shared datasets contain all the joined record types, fields, and criteria filters used to define the dataset. If you have the export lists permission and you only want to share a specific dataset, click the Export icon in the dataset to download a CSV file of the Data Grid.
To save and share a workbook or dataset:
Click Share from anywhere within the workbook or dataset.
Select the roles or users you want to share the workbook or dataset with, then click the right arrow to add them to the distribution list. If you have the Analytics Administrator permission, check Share with All to share the object with everyone in your account.
Important:If you use the Share with all option in a workbook, the original author will not be able to connect additional datasets to it.
Click Save and share.
The object is shared and appears on the Analytics Home page for the selected recipients. Currently, notifications are not sent when a workbook or dataset is shared with a user.
You cannot save and share a workbook if it has visualizations based on unsaved datasets. Before you begin, save or delete any datasets connected to the workbook. Remove these fields before you attempt to save and share.
If you have the Analytics Administrator permission and you want to share workbook or dataset templates such as Open Sales Orders Lines or Number of Fulfillments, you must follow the steps in this procedure. These templates cannot be shared from the Analytics Home page.