The Analytics Administrator Permission

The Analytics Administrator permission enables users to delete, share, and edit the workbooks and datasets created in your account. Users with this permission can also track changes to workbooks and datasets using the audit trail and execution log record types. Additionally, the Analytics Administrator permission enables users to define the audience for workbook and dataset templates.

The minimum access level for the permission is Full, and by default it is enabled for account administrators. The permission can be assigned to a role on the Setup subtab of the Permissions tab, or as a global permission on an employee record. Deleted workbooks and datasets are irretrievable however, so the permission should only be enabled for a small number of users in your account. Additionally, while users with the Analytics Administrator permission can delete workbooks and datasets created by other users, they can still only view the fields and records that they have access to based on their NetSuite permissions. Users with the Analytics Administrator permission are also not automatically given access to SuiteAnalytics Workbook and must be assigned to a role with the SuiteAnalytics Workbook permission to access the tool.

Editing Employee Workbooks and Datasets

Users with the Analytics Administrator permission have access to every workbook and dataset in your account through the Analytics Home page.

  • To view workbooks and datasets created by other users, select Employee Workbooks or Employee Datasets in the drop down list of the respective subtab.

  • To change the properties of a workbook or dataset without opening it, click the Edit icon next to the name, description, or owner fields. You can also share or delete workbooks and datasets using the icons in the Actions column. Currently, notifications are not sent when workbooks are deleted, shared, or assigned to new owners.

Auditing Workbooks and Datasets


As of 2020.1, the audit trail and execution log record types contain data only from release 2019.2 and earlier. You should not use these record types for auditing changes made to workbooks and datasets after 2020.1. If you want to query these record types using SuiteAnalytics Connect, use the data source and search for the usrauditlog, usrdsauditlog, and usrexecutionlong record type IDs. For more information, see Connect Data Source.

To monitor the use of Workbook, users with Analytics Administrator permission have access to the audit trail and execution log record types. There is a version of each record type for workbooks and datasets, which you can differentiate using the record ID. The dataset audit trail and execution log record types both contain ‘Ds’ in the record ID. You can use these record types to create datasets that show you the data being accessed through Workbook and to track changes to the saved workbooks and datasets in your account.

Record Type



Audit trail

Displays changes made to each saved workbook or dataset in your account, including the date the change was saved and the user who saved it. Records for each saved workbook and dataset are stored indefinitely, or until the workbook or dataset is deleted.

  • To view the most recent saved changes, join fields from the change audit change record type to the audit trail dataset.

  • To view the details of each saved change in a workbook or dataset, including the fields that were changed and the new and original values, join the new value and old value fields from the detail audit detail record type to the audit trail dataset.

Date/Time, ID, User, Saved Workbook

Execution log

Displays all workbooks and datasets that were created in the past 30 days, including those that were not saved. For each workbook or dataset listed, the execution log displays the following data:

  • All fields used on the dataset

  • The base record type

  • The date the workbook or dataset was run

  • The name of the user who ran the workbook or dataset

  • If a workbook visualization or dataset was exported

  • Any formulas used

  • If applicable, the name of the associated saved workbook

Base Record Type, Date/Time, Export, Expression, Fields, Formulas, ID, User Name, Saved Workbook

Defining the Audience for Workbook and Dataset Templates

Workbook offers many predefined workbook and dataset templates. For a detailed list including summaries of the content within each workbook or dataset, see Workbook and Dataset Templates.

To provide access to these templates, users with the Analytics Administrator permission can share most templates with specific users or roles directly from the Analytics Home page. If the Share icon is unavailable for a workbook or dataset, users with the Analytics Administrator permission must open the workbook or dataset and save and share a copy of it. For more information about sharing workbooks and datasets, see Saving and Sharing Workbooks and Datasets.

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