Setup and Login

Frequently asked questions related to setup and login.

Where do I download the app from?

The app is available as a free download from Apple’s App Store and the Google Play Store.

Update notifications are provided within the app.

What are the system requirements for running the app?

For iOS, version 16 or greater. For Android, version Android version 11 or higher.

Can I use the app on my iPad and tablet?

Yes, but because the app was primarily designed for smart phones, it will run in 2 x mode on these devices.

Can I reset my forgotten password?

Yes. Password reset is available from the login screen. See Resetting a Forgotten Password from NetSuite for Mobile.

I am an Administrator, can I reset my users’ passwords?

Yes. you have the same access to employee records as you have with the NetSuite web application. See Editing a Record in NetSuite for Mobile and Changing a User’s NetSuite Password.

Do you support Single Sign-on login?

Yes. Your role should have SAML Single Sign-on and Mobile Device Access permissions added. The first time you log in with SSO on the app you will also need to enter your NetSuite company Account ID. For more information, see Logging into NetSuite for Mobile with Single Sign-on.

Do you support login with biometric authentication?

Yes, to enable logging in with biometric authentication see NetSuite for Mobile Biometric ID Login.

What does “You do not have permission to log in using this role on a mobile device. Please contact your NetSuite administrator.” mean?

The role you are using does not have the Mobile Device Access permission enabled. Only standard roles are enabled by default. Customized roles require the Mobile Device Access permission to be added. See Mobile Device Access Permission.

Why am I unable to log in with my Administrator role?

If you require NetSuite access from a mobile device using a non-standard role, you need to add the Mobile Device Access permission to this role. This permission can be added to the System Administrator and customized roles. This permission cannot be added to the Administrator role.

If you are an administrator and require mobile access for the Administrator role, you can assign yourself a custom role that has mobile access enabled. See Mobile Device Access Permission.


We do not recommend accessing your NetSuite account on a mobile device using roles that have full access to your data.

Can I use NetSuite for Mobile with a VPN connection?

Yes. The app requires no configuration to work with a VPN.

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