Expense Features

Frequently asked questions related to expense reporting.

When I upload an expense, is it synced to other devices automatically?

Expenses that you have locally on your device are not synced automatically to other devices unless you submit them with an expense report.

What happens to my expenses if I reset the app?

If you have expenses stored on your device and haven't been submitted with an expense report, these expenses are lost if you reset your device or reset the app.

How do I get a list of expense reports that are awaiting approval from my manager?

To display a list of expense reports awaiting approval, from the My Expenses portlet on My Dashboard, do one of the following:

  • For iOS, tap the Arrow icon NetSuite for iOS Arrow icon.

  • For Android, tap In Progress.

For more information, see NetSuite for Mobile Expense Reporting.

How do I view expense reports from my subordinates that are awaiting my approval?

From My Dashboard, on the My Approvals portlet, tap Expense Reports. A list of expense reports submitted by your subordinates requiring your displays.

For more information, see My Approvals in NetSuite for Mobile.

How do I attach files to expense reports?

You can attach files to expense reports by adding files to individual expenses.


Take note of the following:

  • NetSuite for Mobile does not support PDF attachments in the Communications subtab.

  • You can add up to four attachments to an expense.

From the full record of the expense report, tap the More icon Screenshot of the NetSuite for Mobile More icon, and then tap Edit. Tap the Record Menu icon Screenshot of the NetSuite for Mobile Record Menu icon to navigate the record. To go to the expenses list, tap Expenses. Tap the expense you want to add a file to. Tap the Attach File field. On the Expenses screen, tap Select File. You can attach a file by taking a photo or by attaching an existing file:

  • To capture a new image of a bill or receipt for the expense:

    • For iOS, tap the Camera icon Screenshot of the NetSuite for iOS Camera icon, and then tap Capture using Camera.

    • For Android, tap Take a Photo.

  • To attach an existing file to the expense:

    • For iOS, tap the Camera icon, and then tap Choose existing from Gallery.


      NetSuite for iOS supports JPG and PNG formats.

    • For Android, tap Pick a File.


      NetSuite for Android supports PDF, JPG, and PNG formats.

  • To save your changes:

    • For iOS, tap Done.

    • For Android, tap the Tick icon Screenshot of the NetSuite for Android Tick icon.

For more information, see Attaching Files To a Record in NetSuite for Mobile and Logging an Expense with NetSuite for Mobile.

What actions are supported?

In iOS, swiping from right to left on an item reveals the actions menu. The following options are available:

All record types


Contacts, Customers, Leads, and Prospects

Call, Map, Email, Text, Edit

Phone Calls

Complete, Call, Text, Edit


Complete, Edit


Approve, Complete

Additional information:

Related topics:

General Notices