Link a Checkout Domain with your Web Store
If you have set up a standalone Web Store domain, you must associate a checkout domain with it before your website visitors can buy products from your web store.
There are three checkout domain options for standalone web store domains:
Checkout Only domains – A Checkout Only domain is a custom checkout domain that lets you maintain your company branding throughout a user's web store experience, by using your company's website domain in the checkout URL. Your custom checkout domain is also visible when customers visit the My Account page in your web store. Checkout Only domains are unique to your web store and you must set them up yourself. For details on how to do so, see Set Up a Domain.
Default NetSuite checkout domain – The default checkout domain (for example:
, where 123456 is your account ID) uses Extended Validation (EV). EV is a special type of certificate that requires more extensive investigation for validating an entity before the certificate is issued. It is set up automatically when you create a Web Store domain. -
NetSuite checkout subdomain – You can choose to suppress NetSuite branding on the checkout domain, and use a secure subdomain, that is already configured by NetSuite.
The unbranded checkout subdomains use Wildcard Certificates to enable SSL encryption. This means that multiple host names (or subdomains) are covered by a single SSL Certificate. Wildcard certificates currently do not support EV, so the checkout subdomains do not support EV.
The available subdomains are:
Whichever checkout domain type you choose to use, users on your website enter their information using an SSL connection. An SSL connection is protected by encryption. Users know they have an SSL connection because the browser displays an indicator that the site is secure (usually a padlock) and the address bar begins with https
rather than http
. SSL provides the confidence that private data sent to the website is kept confidential. See Overview of SSL Encryption for more information.
To link a Web Store Only domain with a Checkout Only domain:
Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.
Click Edit next to the website whose Web Store domains you want to link to the checkout domain.
On the Domains tab, select the Checkout domain from the Checkout URL HTTPS:// list.
This list contains the default NetSuite checkout domain and any custom checkout domains you have already set up. It also contains unbranded checkout subdomains if you have enabled them.
Click Save.
All the Web Store Only domains for the website are now linked to the selected checkout domain.
Note:Any Single Domains for Web Store and Checkout in your website are not affected by this action because these use a single domain for both web store and checkout.
To set up a secure subdomain for checkout:
Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.
Click the Web Presence subtab.
Check the box next to Customizable Checkout Subdomains.
Click Save.
Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.
Click Edit for the desired website.
On the Domains subtab, enter your checkout Domain Prefix. Enter the prefix as one word, all lower case and without punctuation (for example,
).A domain prefix can help a user to identify areas on your site.
Select your preferred checkout subdomain in Checkout URL.
The subdomain is appended to the domain prefix to construct your checkout URL. For example, if your domain prefix is
and your selected subdomain
, the checkout URL is
. -
(For Site Builder websites only) Enter a URL Alias. Enter the alias as one word, all lower case and without punctuation (for example,
).A URL alias is an alternative URL that can be used to visit your site.
Click Save.
After you set up a checkout subdomain, you may experience a delay in redirection of up to 30 minutes if you choose to change from one checkout subdomain to another. The delay is due to the invalidation of the previous subdomain in the web store caches.