Viewing the Bulk Operations Summary Page and Audit Trail Records

SuiteBilling Enhancements SuiteApp includes a Bulk Operations Summary page, which can help you keep track of bulk operations that were performed in the account. To view the Bulk Operations Summary page, go to Transactions > Subscriptions > Bulk Operations Summary.

You can view the following information about the Bulk Operations Summary page.

Bulk Operations Summary Column


Job Name

Shows the job name for the bulk operation run.

For bulk operations performed using mass update, this field shows the job name specified on the Mass Update page for this bulk operation run.

For bulk change orders, this field shows Generate Bulk Change Order and ID of the related SuiteBilling Operation record.

Bulk Operation Type

Shows the type of action performed in the bulk operation run:

  • Set Charge Stage to Non-Billable

  • Update Change Order Effective Date

  • Delete Records

  • Void Records

  • Draft to Pending Activation

  • Draft to Active

  • Pending Activation to Draft

  • Pending Activation to Active

  • Active to Suspend

  • Suspend to Reactivate


Starting version 21.2, Delete Records is changed to Void Records for usage and change order records. This change is applied only to new bulk operation runs performed after the upgrade to version 21.2. Audit trails showing Delete Records actions for usage and change order records prior to version 21.2 will be unchanged.

Record Type

Shows the type of record processed in the bulk operation run.

Created By

Shows the name of the person who performed the bulk operation run.

Created Date

Shows the date and time of the bulk operation run.

Records Processed

Shows the number of records successfully processed (X) out of the total number of records included in the bulk operation run (Y). This value is shown in the format X/Y.

The total number of records (Y) shows all records that were selected to be included in the bulk operation request.

Based on the total number of records, the number of records successfully processed (X) shows all records that did not encounter errors during the bulk operation run, regardless if the record was updated or not.

The difference between the two values indicate the number of records that encountered errors.

From the Bulk Operations Summary page, you can click the link in the Job Name column to access the Bulk Operations Audit Trail record for that specific run.

The same information from the Bulk Operations Summary page are shown in the header section and on the Job Info subtab of the Bulk Operation Audit Trail record.

On the Records subtab, you can see more details about each record included in the bulk operation run. By default, the list of records under the Audit Trail subtab is sorted by record ID in ascending order. Use the following options to change the way the records are sorted:

The columns on the Audit Trail subtab also differ depending on the bulk operation type.

Bulk Operation Type


  • Delete Records

  • Void Records

  • View

  • Record ID

  • Status

  • Error Message

  • Set Charge Stage to Non-Billable

  • Update Change Order Effective Date

  • Draft to Pending Activation

  • Draft to Active

  • Pending Activation to Draft

  • Pending Activation to Active

  • Active to Suspend

  • Suspend to Reactivate

  • View

  • Record ID

  • Old Value

  • New Value

  • Status

  • Error Message

You can click the link (if available) in the View column to view a specific record.

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