Performing Subscription Billing Bulk Operations Using Mass Update

SuiteBilling Enhancements SuiteApp includes custom mass updates that you can use to perform bulk operations for charge, usage, and change order records. Supported bulk operations include:

Only roles with access to charge, subscription change order, and usage records have access to the mass update actions for bulk operations.

Each bulk operation run creates a Bulk Operations Audit Trail record, which contains information about the mass update. You can view the list of bulk operations performed and access the audit trail records from the Bulk Operations Summary page. For more information, see Viewing the Bulk Operations Summary Page and Audit Trail Records.

To update, void, or delete subscription billing records using mass update:

  1. Go to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates.

  2. On the Mass Updates list, click Custom Updates to expand.

  3. Select the bulk operation that you want to perform.

    The following table shows the bulk operations that you can perform for supported subscription billing records.

    Subscription Billing Record

    Bulk Operation (Mass Update Action)



    Delete Records

    Delete erroneous or obsolete charge records

    Set Charge Stage to Non-Billable

    Change the value of the Stage field on charge records to Non-Billable

    Subscription Change Order

    Void Records

    Void erroneous or obsolete change order records

    Update Change Order Effective Date

    Change the value of the Effective Date field on change order records


    Void Records

    Void erroneous or obsolete usage records

  4. On the Mass Update page:

    1. If you want to save this mass update, enter a name in the Title of Action field.

    2. In the Job Name field, enter a unique name to help you identify this bulk operation run. Default value for this field is the date and time when the Mass Update page is loaded.

    3. If you selected the Update Change Order Effective Date action, enter the new effective date for the change orders in the Effective Date field.

    4. On the Criteria subtab, select the filters that you want to use to set the criteria fields for the records that you want to process.

    5. If necessary, edit or set the values on the Results, Audience, and Schedule subtabs.

    6. Click Preview to preview the list of records that will be processed based on the filters you set on the Criteria subtab.

      On the Mass Update Preview Results page, you can do the following:

      • In the Apply column, keep the box checked for records that you want to include in the mass update. Clear the box if you want to exclude a specific record from the mass update.

      • Click Return to Criteria if you want to make further changes to the filters that you previously set.

      • Click Perform Update to run the mass update action for the selected records.

      • Click Save to save the mass update without performing any changes.


        If you checked the Run Update According to Schedule and specified a schedule on the Schedule subtab, the mass update will run according to the schedule after you save it.

      • If you do not want to continue with this mass update, click Cancel to return to the Mass Updates category list.

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