Set Subsidiary Preferences
With NetSuite OneWorld, most company preferences are shared by all subsidiaries in the global organization. This includes all of the preferences set on the Setup tab that are not set specifically on subsidiary records. Classes, departments, and locations are shared globally and can be linked to specific subsidiaries and their children. For more information, see Set Company Preferences.
The subsidiary-specific preferences set on this subtab take precedence over company preferences in the event that they conflict.
Any user preferences set at Home > Set Preferences take precedence over subsidiary-specific and company preferences. For more information, see Setting Personal Preferences.
The Preferences subtab is divided into additional subtabs. Select or check the options for this subsidiary.
Default Check Type -Select the type of check you print by default for this subsidiary.
Select the email templates you want used to send email to employees, customers, and partners when you grant them access to your NetSuite account. You grant them access from the User Access Email Template, Customer Center Email Template, and Partner Center Email Template fields.
For more information, see Working with Email Templates.
Select the date, time, and number formats used by this subsidiary from the various format fields.
Phone Number Format -Choose the format used for phone numbers in this subsidiary.
Time Zone -Select the time zone for this subsidiary.
First Day of Week -Select the first day of the week for this subsidiary.
Search Sorting -Select the alphabetical order to use for search results.
Round Time Entry Duration -Select how you want time transactions rounded for this subsidiary.
Default Payable Account for Expense Reports -Select a default payable account for expense reports for this subsidiary.
Default Account for Corporate Card Expenses -Select a default payable account for corporate card expenses for this subsidiary.
Default Advance to Apply Account for Expense Reports -Select a default account for advances to apply on expense reports for this subsidiary.
Vendor Prepayment Account – Select a default account for vendor prepayments. You can also configure a default vendor prepayment account at company level. For more information, see Configuring a Default Vendor Prepayment Account.
Check Default Chart Type -Select the check layout used when printing checks for this subsidiary.
Default Case Profile – Select which case profile is used by default when a new support case is created.
Send Customer Notifications When – Select default criteria for when customers that have cases associated with an issue should be notified by email.
Allow Customer Override – Check this box if you want customers to be able to change their issue notification email settings in the Customer Center.
Customer Template – Select the template you want to use for the issue notification email sent to customers of this subsidiary.
Employee Template – Select the template you want to use for the issue notification email sent to employees of this subsidiary.
CSV Column Delimiter – Select the symbol to be used as a column separator in the CSV data you import. This option overrides the settings specified at the company level.
CSV Decimal Delimiter – Select the symbol to be used as a decimal mark in the CSV data you import. This option overrides the settings specified at the company level.
Period End Journal Entries
This read-only subtab appears only when the Period End Journal Entries feature is enabled for your account. This feature’s settings are configured and edited through the Subsidiary Settings Manager page. For information about the Subsidiary Settings Manager page, see Subsidiary Settings Manager. For more information about this feature, see Period End Journal Entries.
Create Balance Sheet Closing and Opening Journals – If checked, note the following. The system adds a step to the Create Period End Journals task on the Period Close Checklist. The Balance Sheet Closing step follows the Income Closing step at the fiscal year end of the subsidiary.
If you use the GL Audit Numbering feature, note the following. If Exclude Balance Sheet Closing Journals from GL Numbering is checked, the system skips numbering for the balance sheet closing journals.
Create Income Summary Journals – If checked, note the following. The system creates two period end journals in the Income Statement Closing step. This step is in the Create Period End Journals task on the Period Close Checklist. The first journal reduces the income and expense accounts to zero. It posts the net income to the account defined for income summary profit or loss. The second journal moves the balance from the income summary account used in the first journal to the retained earnings account.
Require Memo on Period End Journals – If checked, period end journals cannot be submitted without a value in the Memo field. The value in the Memo field during the journal creation process populates the Memo fields in the header and lines of the period end journal.
Group by These Segments – This multi-select list displays all the segment types that impact the general ledger. Possible segment types are class, department, location, and all custom segments with general ledger impact. The system generates separate period end journals for each selected segment type combination included in the source transactions for this subsidiary. For more information about custom segments, see Custom Fields and Segments on Period End Journals.